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Will power go to the masters of longevity?

Will power go to the masters of longevity?

"Longevity" will be the keyword of the future: that's why. Ruggeri's Cameo

Whatever some geopolitical experts say, this transition (from war to peace, from smog to clean air), involving a series of acts of pure execution, could be governed, not by the current shady western ruling classes, but by shady masters of gas, oil, industrial and food raw materials, disguised as "woke".

It was our elites, thirty years ago, who designed today's world, basing it, from an energy point of view, on Gas & Oil, even though they knew that we had neither, so they were aware of the implications of be cuscute of others. The usum plebe narrative was that we would rule the world through CEOs, the Dollar, Swift, digital, communication. Chinese, Russians, Indians, South Americans, Africans would have been pure labor at our service. And with the US military we would have exported democracy wherever there was a shred of business.

It was all simultaneously true (in terms of goals) and false (in terms of execution). It was a colossal flop, but you can't tell.

As an example, let us take the case of Mohammad Bin Salam. Despite rightly having the entire West and its press against it for the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and while subject to a "definitive anathema" by Joe Binden "We will reduce MBS to an international pariah", the mythical realpolitik western, put it back in a big way. While keeping his "energy" power intact (indeed, increasing it!), he cornered Biden and America (sic!), flirting with Russians, Chinese, Iranians, etc.

Moreover, it has assumed the world leadership of Longevity-related therapies. Let's mark it down, because this will be the keyword of the future, this being the supreme (and disguised) goal of our elites in power. In human and moral terms they are rotten elites (butlers included), but physically they want to be beautiful and healthy.

MBS with its 20 billion $ Fund (a declared initial cheap), called Hevolution, has entered, with a dominant position, the restricted "Club" of those who intend to devote themselves to the business of the so-called "eternal elitist youth". While the States, in order to reduce the by now unsustainable costs of public health welfare, are forced to invest in the so-called "State Euthanasia", Special Private Individuals, like him, are entitled to investments in Longevity, limited, obviously, to those who can afford. MBS says: "Even life has become a market!"

In the "Club" there are also all the legendary names of Silicon Valley and Wall Street, as investors and first users, with Russian and Ukrainian CEOs & Oligarchs in the lead, and a series of very young billionairs (under 25), who have become such with innovative Apps, Bitcoins, Blockchains, etc. All have made the choice to dedicate part of their assets to eternal youth. Obviously, the remainder of the heritage is used to do conventional business and impoverish the rest of humanity, thus shortening its life. Result: the plebs will live less and less (and badly), the elites more and more.

No envy towards these "fake young people" (rich) who will make use of the technologies and protocols of MBS & Soci to live two decades longer (for now).

I read that to oppose aging they will have to, in succession: replace damaged organs through cellular regeneration; stuff yourself with stem cells to rejuvenate your brain and body; undergo important and constant hyperbaric oxygen drip; subject to continuous blood transfusions of adolescents (Ambrosia start-up by Jesse Karmazin: $8,000 per syringe).

I wonder, under what conditions will they come close to ninety as in my case? I had a sickly early childhood, then I was trivially normal, I never made extra investments in my future health, I don't know what stem cells are, let alone hyperbaric oxygen, let alone sucked the blood of an adolescent (medical pedophilia ?). However, I consume “ZAF's Honest Food” (see Easter Cameo).

Dear Euro-American leadership branded CEO capitalism , can I tell you? Of course you will live longer than the Plebs, but you will end your miserable existence as miserable rich people, despised by decent people (we are many more than you imagine!). Prosit!


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/padroni-longevity-ceo-capitalism/ on Mon, 01 May 2023 05:07:35 +0000.