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All Conte’s mistakes with the unions

All Conte's mistakes with the unions

What did Conte do wrong with the unions. Giuliano Cazzola's comment

According to the many comments that are read, Giuseppe Conte and his government seem to be at the index of the country. In the next few days his fate will be decided, starting with the vote on the report on the State of Justice, an occasion in which one of the main crimes (the suspension of the prescription after the first instance sentence) combined by the yellow-green majority comes to a head , which the yellow-red one was unable to remedy.

Minister Alfonso Bonafede, although head of the M5S delegation in the government, has tried to escape in recent months, so as not to attract attention. Too little to make you forget that you are the architect of '' real justicialism ''. We'll see; but in the following days each one will have his penalty, because there are no government “ rescuers '' (we suggest this definition which, moreover, is pertinent to the request for help advanced by Conte in the Senate), at least in sufficient number to replace, in formal and stable way, the disengagement of Italia viva (incidentally: I consider Matteo Renzi's move a gesture of grave irresponsibility and unforgivable underestimation of the effects that can derive in the event of early elections).

If there is a minimum of logic in the madness of the senator of Rignano, his plan must lead the government to resign, to reopen the games also as regards the prime minister. If the executive tram has come to an end, it is not certain – this is Renzi's ace in the hole – that the restart must necessarily be entrusted to the same operator. But this is not the issue I intend to address. Instead, I am interested in commenting on another curious aspect not only of the crisis, but of the current political phase.

Asking Dante for help, the question arises: '' appo chi ha grazie '' Giuseppi? No one would ever have expected this, but the main supporters of the current government are the trade unions. In recent days, the leaders of CGIL, CISL and UIL met the Prime Minister via video conference. When the telematic equipment was off, the declarations were flooded.

'' In today's meeting – said Maurizio Landini secretary of the CGIL – with the government we asked and obtained (last good, ed ) to enter into the merits of the Recovery plan . To start a close discussion in the next few days on the contents of the plan and the various missions, in order to share the projects to be presented in Brussels to provide stable and quality work to young people, women and in the South ". “Next week – added the leader of the Corso d'Italia union – the government will meet CGIL, CISL and UIL on the new refreshment decree. At this stage no one must be left alone and it is necessary to extend the block on layoffs ”.

“The plan – continued Landini – must also represent a great opportunity to initiate the necessary reforms that serve the country (starting with work, taxation, public administration and pensions). A real reform is needed in the public administration, making better use of the resources that already exist and hiring young people and new skills ”. A comprehensive reform of the social safety nets is necessary – Landini concluded. Investments, public and private, are needed to create new jobs and defeat precariousness. It is time to change the development model in respect of the environment and with the construction of a social model based on public health and the right to know. All this can only be achieved with the involvement of the whole world of work, the social partners and the country ”.

The number 1 of the other confederations follows. Pierpaolo Bombardieri (nomination sunt consequentia rerum?) On his part: “ We believe in the absolute need to develop investments and reforms in parallel – he said – we are concerned about some aspects of governance that have not yet been defined and above all the possible return in the near future of the rules of stability pact, which we ask for definitively overcome (God forbid, ed ) and accompanied by a new economic policy (the NEP ?, ed ). Finally, we reiterate the need to ask Europe to refinance the Sure ”.

More laconic Annamaria Furlan: '' The CISL shares the objectives and system choices contained in the plan prepared by the government on the recovery plan, "consistent with the macro indications defined by Europe" and asks for the Government's willingness to "investigate individual issues also to evaluate the details and the expected economic and employment results ".

In the next few hours Conte will meet Confindustria. If the music is the same (otherwise the government will continue to ignore the business world), the prime minister will realize that he has made a mistake, that he has not learned anything from his predecessors. Instead of instructing Roberto Gualtieri to comb through Renzi's CIAO, it would have been better to convene the social partners and prepare, together with them, a nice Protocol to be exhibited in Parliament (Teresa Bellanova would have been an incomparable negotiator). To achieve this goal it would have been enough to throw the bait of the extension of the cig from covid-19 and the blocking of layoffs. Wishing then to do 3-in-a-row, Cgil, Cisl and Uil would have appreciated a further solemn commitment for the definitive overcoming of the Fornero pension reform. In return, the union leaders would not have hesitated to erect a monument to the text of the PNRR without making all the stories of Renzi.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/tutti-gli-erroracci-di-conte-con-i-sindacati/ on Mon, 25 Jan 2021 08:08:10 +0000.