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All Tesla’s plans (and hiccups) in Berlin

All Tesla's plans (and hiccups) in Berlin

Very first green light for the expansion of Tesla's gigafactory in Berlin, central to the brand's expansion plans in the Old Continent. A foothold for the German economy to emerge from the crisis. But the environmentalists' protests do not subside

It is now well known that a hyperactive entrepreneur like Elon Musk , who prides himself on sleeping six hours a night and having his first meetings at one in the morning, finds even the German bureaucracy too slow. In fact, since he set foot in Germany, the owner of Tesla has repeatedly criticized Berlin for delays in decision-making on authorisations. However, this does not mean that the first European gigafactory, plagued by a thousand delays and problems, to which even a recent attack was added, has lost importance in the plans of the histrionic entrepreneur.


Tesla, as we know, has its flagship in the Chinese factory in Shanghai, which should soon have a Mexican twin . Both, however, are exposed to the stormy winds that blow between East and West and to the unknowns surrounding the American presidential campaign: Donald Trump , for example, has already made it known that, if he were elected again, he would impose very high duties on all automotive products arriving from Mexico for target those producers who, instead of establishing their value chain in the States, go elsewhere. Any reference to Musk is anything but casual.


This is also why the Berlin gigafactory remains fundamental in Tesla's plans, provided it can expand it further. The Brandenburg Environment Office has given the first green light to a series of expansion works on the existing site so as to allow the electric car brand to begin the restyling of the complex. This is a conditional approval and, above all, a start of work at "own risk" given that the building permit has not yet been officially granted.

In the event that final authorization is not granted, Tesla would have to return the site outside Berlin to its pre-existing situation. The approved plans include, among other things, the construction of a logistics area for new vehicles, the construction of underground lines and the installation of solar panels on the roof.


However, the bureaucratic process is far from over also because Tesla has to deal once again with the same environmentalist associations that did not want the plant a stone's throw from Berlin, ready for a new war of appeals and stamped papers.

A war that has now crossed the boundaries of the courts, given that after the attack the situation became explosive. In the first half of May the plant was even stormed by activists of the Robin Wood movement. During clashes with the police, deployed in force to protect the gigafactory, a woman was injured and three officers suffered injuries. Authorities also made several arrests.


Even recently in Berlin, in front of the Mall of Berlin shopping center, which houses a Tesla store, the banner “ Saubere Autos sind eine dreckige Lüge ” (“Clean cars are a dirty lie”) was hoisted.


However, Musk in the meantime, at least according to what the German publication Stern reports, has received the endorsement of Chancellor Olaf Scholz who said he was in favor of the expansion of the factory where the Tesla Model Y is now produced. In a period of economic crisis for Germany , which on the automotive front already fears Beijing's repercussions on European tariffs, it couldn't be otherwise.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/tutti-i-piani-e-gli-intoppi-di-tesla-a-berlino/ on Tue, 09 Jul 2024 07:25:15 +0000.