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All the branches in the Fisac ​​CGIL

All the branches in the Fisac ​​CGIL

What happens in the Fisac ​​(the CGIL banking federation) led by Nino Baseotto. The request for forfeiture against the general secretary, the decision of the statutory college and the indiscretions. The article by Emanuela Rossi

There is maretta at Fisac ​​CGIL, the trade union organization that deals with the banking and insurance sectors for Corso d'Italia. Under accusation is the general secretary, Nino Baseotto, against whom an appeal has been presented to declare its forfeiture. And even if the national statutory board of the CGIL has declared the request unfounded, it is possible that the spotlight on the Fisac ​​will not go out. In the meantime, no statement has arrived from the general secretary.

Here is the point of the situation on Fisac ​​Cgil and Baseotto.


Baseotto was elected general secretary on July 14, replacing Giuliano Calcagni who – according to what the Diary of work wrote – had been disheartened. During the general assembly – held in the presence of the general secretary of Corso d'Italia, Maurizio Landini – Baseotto received 176 preferences out of a total of 201 voters while 20 were against and 5 abstentions. Therefore – the National Statutory College recalled in the note issued at the end of the meeting on Monday – it obtained 87% of votes in favor.

As stated on the Fisac website , Baseotto began collaborating with the Milanese CGIL in 1976 as city secretary of the League for the rights and liberation of peoples (formerly the Russell Court). In 1989 he became general secretary of Filcams of Milan and Lombardy and in 1996 he was elected to the secretariat of the Milan Metropolitan Chamber of Labor, with the position of head of the organization. In 1997 he was elected general secretary of the Ticino Olona Chamber of Labor and three years later he was called to be part of the confederal secretariat of the Lombardy CGIL, with the role of head of organizational policies. In 2008 he became general secretary of the Lombardy CGIL and in 2014 he joined the national secretariat of Corso d'Italia with responsibility for organizational policies.


As reported this week by Radiocor, the base of the forfeiture request made dall'avvocata Francesca Meaty, member of the Executive Committee of the CGIL Fisac and former head of the National Fisac Cgil legal department, there's the fact that on 1 January this year Baseotto has turned 65 and has therefore acquired the right to retirement pension. According to Carnoso, with remaining at the helm of the credit sector union "the avoidance of confederal statutory regulations by the highest level of representation of the Fisac ​​CGIL is quite evident". For this reason, the presentation of the appeal and the request that "the National Statutory Board decide on the declaration of the forfeiture of the same from the position of Secretary General of the Fisac ​​CGIL due to age limits".

Basically, Baseotto turned 65 on 31 December and to be authorized to continue up to the limit of the 67-year pension – according to the proposers of the appeal – it is required by statute the qualified majority resolution of the national board that the Secretary of the Fisac ​​in the repeated convocations he would never ask.


The National Statutory College of the CGIL, by unanimous decision, declared the appeal filed by Attorney Carnoso "unfounded". Within the month of January, as highlighted in the post-meeting statement, the Steering Committee of the category will be convened, already scheduled by the National Secretariat.


A timeliness that amazed the presenter of the appeal. "With a very quick response, certainly not usual for the times of the CGIL – he told the press agencies -, the National Statutory Commission of the CGIL of Maurizio Landini offers an 'ad usum delphini' interpretation of the statutory provisions which in any case does not seem to give solution to the question raised because for the continuation of the mandate a term of three months has been assigned to the general secretary Nino Baseotto to be eventually re-elected by the Fisac ​​CGIL National Board ”. And that's not all. According to Carnoso, the resolution of the National Statutory Commission is "embarrassing" and "unloads on the category the decision that would like to settle the question by recalling the application of an analogy between different cases that does not find any correspondence in the statutory rules".

Trade union sources point out to Startmag that the CSN resolution actually took place in a very short time, which amazes trade union circles within the confederation itself, given that the commission usually only pronounces itself after months. A speed that leads more than someone to wonder why there is so much zeal in wanting to keep Baseotto in his place at all costs, some union leaders of the confederation led by Maurizio Landini ask themselves.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/tutte-le-sportellate-nella-fisac-cgil/ on Wed, 06 Jan 2021 10:18:25 +0000.