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All the grumblings on the new private security contract

All the grumblings on the new private security contract

Private Supervision obtains the renewal of the contract but the unions split over the agreement. Usb rejects the sender's offer of 140 euros gross in 4 years, "It doesn't even compensate for inflation". The acronyms that have joined block comments on social networks. Facts, numbers and insights

After almost eight years of waiting, the 100,000 employees of private security and security services will have a contract renewal. A renewal that, however, also raises controversy.

The three-year agreement signed between Filcams, Fisascat and Uiltucs and the business associations of the sector (Anivip, Assiv, Univ, Legacoop Produzione e Servizi, Agci Servizi and Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi) takes effect from 1 June 2023 and will remain in force until 31 May 2026.


The progression of the levels of the GPG (Sworn Private Guard) passes from 24 months of permanence of the 6th and 5th level to 18 months, with a reduction of 12 months overall compared to the achievement of the IV level. The intervention is also on entry levels: having eliminated level F of the security services, Level E will be the new entry level for 18 months, after which workers will pass to level D, with an overall reduction of 6 months for reaching the level.


For the economic part, an increase of 140 euros was defined for Level IV GPG and for Level D of Trust Services. The salary increase will be paid in 5 tranches: €50 with the salary for the month of June 2023, €25 with the salary for the month of June 2024, €25 with the salary for the month of December 2025 and €20 with the salary for the month of April 2026. A one-off payment of 400 euros will be recognized for the contractual holiday period.

"In a complicated context, after years of conflict, mobilizations and strikes" Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs express satisfaction "for a contract renewal which, after 7 years, closes the long dispute phase, ensures significant wage increases and regulatory improvements for the workers and workers in the sector”.


Usb Supervision goes on the attack and writes on its social networks : “it's just a question of almsgiving. After 7 and a half years of negotiation it is not possible to reach a renewal of 140 euros gross in 4 years, which will also have to be subtracted from the contractual holiday allowance. We are talking about 120 euros gross. It doesn't even compensate for inflation”.

“We expected a flop because the signatories CGIL CISL and UIL have accustomed us to this, but we didn't think it could go that far. Even more serious is reading on the notice boards of these unions the triumphant press releases with which they inform of the successful agreement for improvement”. In this regard, Il Fatto Quotidiano points out that "Comments to the post on the agreement have been blocked on the social networks of Filcams, Fisascat and Uiltucs".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/tutti-i-mugugni-sul-nuovo-contratto-della-vigilanza-privata/ on Thu, 01 Jun 2023 10:37:17 +0000.