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All the news on Draghi’s consultations (with the turning point of the League)

All the news on Draghi's consultations (with the turning point of the League)

The point on the first round of the consultations of the prime minister in charge, Mario Draghi

In a few hours the Italian political landscape has profoundly changed. Spilling on itself. We have gone from mouth-to-mouth breathing, practiced by the yellow-red majority, with the frantic search for saviors in the last resort, to something still undefined, but in all probability destined to unhinge old balances and feed new fractures within the most weak. A cyclone then which, like the desert wind, was able to move huge masses of sand, creating depressions where previously there were dunes and vice versa.

That cyclone, as in tropical storms, has a name and a surname. His name is Matteo Salvini and this time he represents the whole League. With the choice to support Mario Draghi's attempt, in defense of the supreme national interests, every possible dialectic within that party has died down. There will be no Giorgettis or Zaia to advocate a line of moderation, to broaden the perimeter of political action. Because this has also become the secretary's line. Or the Captain, if you prefer. I agree with all those who believed that, sooner or later, this would happen. The conditioning of a social block, which could not be held together only with migration policies, was too strong.

The Lega's initiative produced a real earthquake. He filed, in a flash, the hypothesis of an Ursula majority. The last resort, for a part of the left and the 5 stars to grant, albeit reluctantly, their endorsement to the Draghi operation. It was the idea of ​​a border. Identify those Pillars of Hercules – at most the presence of Forza Italia – beyond which it was not possible to go. And it did not matter if that strategy contradicted the mandate of the President of the Republic. The birth of a government that was not supposed to "identify with any political force".

With the fading of that perspective, the attitude of the various components that made up the electoral base of the Conte bis has also changed. Leu's reaction was immediate: presence, that of the League, impediment. It will force us – Francesco Laforgia reiterated – to keep us out of the attempt. The exact opposite of Italia Viva which had not vetoed, but had relied on the wisdom of the President in charge. A difference that speaks volumes about the possible re-composition of the Italian political balance. Could this be the beginning of a thaw? The transition, even in Italy, from the "cold war" to "peaceful coexistence"? From considering oneself enemies to mere adversaries? If it were so, it would be a great thing.

At the moment in the Pd and in the 5 stars, as was to be expected, not everyone seems to agree. That ideological substrate with an ancient flavor weighs. Within the Dems, the left wing did not fail to make its voice heard, albeit in the form of drafts. Which forced the secretary Nicola Zingaretti to come out. To reaffirm the party's confidence in Mario Draghi. As is the tradition of that party, the dirty clothes will be washed in the family. In due time. Although, this time, the poisonous tail of discord has already produced some consequence.

The dissent, albeit limited, within the Democratic Party, has accentuated the turmoil within the 5 stars. Acting as a sounding board for Alessandro Di Battista's reprimands against “the apostle of the elite”. If an institutional force, such as the Democratic Party, expressed doubts about the presence of the League, what should the purest and toughest of a Movement that wanted to change the world have to say? Especially if it comes to going hand in hand more with Silvio Berlusconi than with the League: the archenemy, the unpresentable, the caiman. And so on.

Beppe Grillo, who arrived on purpose in Rome to bless the operation, after having participated in the meetings with Mario Draghi, did not give up on philosophizing. Quoting Plato, he admonished: “I don't know an infallible way to success, but one for sure failure: wanting to please everyone”. Sibylline phrases that are difficult to decipher. A warning for Draghi himself, or, as he tries to minimize the Daily Fact , towards dissidents inside the Movement? We'll see.

In the meantime, let's just observe that perhaps a kind of "constitutional arch" was born, like that of the First Republic. What the daily fact soberly defines the AAL, the high-profile crowd. It goes from the Lega to the 5 stars, who hope to transform themselves into an increasingly green party, even at the cost of losing something of their initial profile. Outside Leu and Fratelli d'Italia, but the latter with one foot inside the majority. Still unstable situation, but a necessary step, to offer the country – at least this is the wish – a different perspective.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/consultazioni-draghi-salvini-lega/ on Sun, 07 Feb 2021 09:07:57 +0000.