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All the numbers from Sisal’s sustainability report

All the numbers from Sisal's sustainability report

Sisal's 2023 sustainability report presented in Milan.

“For us, being sustainable means being innovative. And viceversa. They are both connected themes for a digital and inclusive future." Francesco Durante , CEO of Sisal, has no doubts when he spoke in Milan to present the group's 2023 sustainability report.


In 2023, we read, Sisal followed 117 technological innovation projects and inaugurated three new Digital Hubs in Naples, Palermo and Istanbul, "centers of excellence that are part of the strategy of investing in new technologies and promoting skills and talents digital, in Italy and abroad", the group says.


Sisal then recalls the support of the start-up ecosystem thanks to the responsible innovation program GoBeyond , "with the aim – they comment from Sisal – of continuing to be a driving force for technological transformation capable of creating a positive impact on society in the its whole".

In 2023, over 450 start-ups responded to the Call for Ideas, with an increase of 29% compared to the previous year. The initiative "made it possible to pool knowledge from high-impact sectors" such as healthcare, ICT, clean technology, food & beverage, fashion, education and lifestyle.


In 2023, the number of people involved in the WeDo program, the corporate solidarity and volunteering project, and the number of hours they dedicated to volunteering increased: 1249 hours dedicated to volunteering activities during working hours and more than 350 Sisal resources involved.


Sisal has also launched projects to achieve the objective of zero net CO2 emissions by 2035: in 2023, approximately 4,000 tonnes of CO2 were avoided through the purchase of Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates and Energy Attribute Certificates ( EACs) and through a 15% reduction in paper use.

“Sustainability is an opportunity to guarantee the growth of the company in the long term and create a positive impact on society and future generations – declared Durante – At Sisal we firmly believe in the role of innovation to accelerate and consolidate sustainable transformation: today the great challenge for digital companies is the ethical use of technologies to put people at the center of a more responsible future".

In 2023, the company has also planned new initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption, thanks to the efficiency of the buildings that host the activities and the technologies used in the stores, and reducing the emission impacts deriving from fuel consumption thanks to the transition towards full electric or hybrid vehicles.

Also last year, the installation of two photovoltaic systems for the self-production of electricity was also completed at the Rome and Peschiera Borromeo sites, which will cover approximately 10% and 45% of the buildings' energy needs respectively.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/esg/tutti-i-numeri-del-bilancio-di-sostenibilita-di-sisal/ on Thu, 20 Jun 2024 06:07:08 +0000.