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Ambassador Razov’s denunciation is truly a putinata

Ambassador Razov’s denunciation is truly a putinata

Because the denunciation of the Russian ambassador to Italy, Razov, against the newspaper La Stampa is really not very diplomatic

There is nothing diplomatic about that photo of the ambassador of Russia in Italy, Sergey Razov, who launched himself like a rocket on the Roman Judicial City to make his good report to the Public Prosecutor's Office and then exhibit in front of photographers against Italian newspapers, citing above all La Stampa , who are allegedly giving false information about his country's war against Ukraine. And adding, among other things, that the military supplies transparently underway by the Italian government to the attacked Ukrainians are aimed at a substantial participation in the war, indeed at genocide. Which would not be that of the Russians against the Ukrainians, but vice versa.

It is good that in Italy we have passed for a long time, and due to the exclusive fault of the parties gradually voted by the people and sent to the government, from the system of the Public Prosecutors' offices, where crimes are reported and investigations are conducted, to that of the Republic of Power of attorney. To which political actors of all kinds, now also ambassadors of great powers, go to remit their struggles, quarrels, quarrels and so on to remove the word from the government, as well as from the voters, and pass it on to the magistrates. But it was frankly difficult to imagine that Razov's drama could be reached in front of the Capitoline Judicial City.

And the ambassador is good, but this time he has decided with his boldness to bring punishment, so different from some of his predecessors, such as those of the times of the Soviet Union. Which were usually closed in their residences. Either they went with all the confidentiality of the case to the homes of more less qualified interlocutors, such as once a Christian Democrat director general of Rai, to agree on pressures and the like on the then strongest Communist Party in the West to have its parliamentarians lend a hand, or foot, to a certain candidate of the Crusader shield at the Quirinale.

The ordinary and obvious interlocutors of an ambassador are the head of the state to which he is formally accredited, the prime minister, the foreign minister and gradually, descending the hierarchy, the other members of the government, or sub-government. There would be enough, at a guess, for someone at the top to intervene far beyond the words of dissent already spoken, in particular by Mario Draghi and Luigi Di Maio, and not leave La Stampa alone, among other things, to defend itself with the beautiful color cartoon by Sergio Stajno on the front page: “Oh well, as long as you don't bomb us”, as Putin continues to do in Ukraine, reducing it to rubble.

The so-called diplomatic immunity, even though it survived in Italy even the parliamentary immunity that was decimated at the time of the "Clean Hands", when the prosecutors took command of politics, must also be carried out with a certain measure, especially during the day. Ambassadors cannot unite and mingle so casually with politicians accustomed to seeking the right magistrate for their cause, even if it were a war , and of extermination.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/la-denuncia-dellambasciatore-razov-e-davvero-una-putinata/ on Sat, 26 Mar 2022 07:19:27 +0000.