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Amazon Fulfillment, because the agreement between trade unions and Conftrasporto (Confindustria snubbed by Amazon) is historic

Amazon Fulfillment, because the agreement between trade unions and Conftrasporto (Confindustria snubbed by Amazon) is historic

What does the industrial relations protocol signed by trade unions and Amazon Fulfillment foresee and why is historical (according to the unions)

From periodicals on sector issues, such as the trend of e-commerce, to timely checks on the application of the collective agreement: Amazon Italia Logistica and the workers' unions have signed an industrial relations protocol with the Ministry of Labor.


The agreement between Amazon and trade unions on industrial relations is "historic", say Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti, underlining that the agreement "provides for the mutual recognition of the parties and the national contract for Logistics, Freight Transport and Shipping as a regulatory tool of the employment relationship and trade union relations ".


The unions underline that the agreement "provides for the mutual recognition of the parties and the national contract for Logistics, Freight Transport and Shipping as a regulating tool for the employment relationship and trade union relations". The protocol, explain the unions, explain, among other things , the preventive comparison on the major issues of the sector relating to the new systems in the area, on industrial policies and in relation to relations with national and local institutions. The bargaining matters are defined both at national and local level. The role of the trade union at national and local level and of company trade union representatives is recognized ”.


The agreement "allows negotiations to begin on organizational issues such as timetables, shifts, workloads, on regulatory elements such as the correct recognition of levels of employment, on health, safety and prevention at work, on training and on economic issues such as the performance bonus, incentives and special increases. Negotiations on these issues will also be possible at a territorial level ".


The protocols signed today on industrial relations in Amazon “represent further proof of our commitment to establish a constructive and responsible dialogue with the workers' representatives both at national and site level”. This was stated by Conftrasporto-Confcommercio on the agreement signed today between the associated Amazon Italia Logistica and the workers' unions at the Ministry of Labor. At the meeting was present, for the Confederation, the general secretary of Conftrasporto Pasquale Russo. In the protocol, which represents a fundamental step of corporate responsibility on the social level, of the safety and protection of workers, we read in a note.


“In recent months we have worked to establish a positive dialogue with the trade unions in line with what was suggested by the Minister of Labor. The protocols signed today represent further proof of our commitment to establishing a constructive and responsible dialogue with workers' representatives both at national and site level ”. Thus the Amazon Italia Group (which has decided not to be part of the national Confindustria while it is part of Assolombarda) comments on the agreement for an industrial protocol relations system on the protocol today with the transport trade unions of Cgil, Cisl and U. " that the relationships based on these possible bases our investment strategies in the country, where we have invested over 6 billion in the last 10 years, creating 12,500 permanent jobs ”, the note continues.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/amazon-logistica-perche-e-storico-laccordo-tra-sindacati-e-conftrasporto-confindustria-snobbata-da-amazon/ on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 12:20:43 +0000.