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Because I want a government of national unity

Because I want a government of national unity

Today Italy needs a national unity government to keep the country united. The appeal of Sister Anna Monia Alfieri

Since yesterday there have been direct, special, in-depth studies: it is a "government crisis", albeit not formalized, with the consequent judgments of politicians and opinion leaders, a script already written. The oppositions draw a positive balance of a constructive opposition (it must be acknowledged that they have presented hundreds of amendments and voted in favor of budget variances) and declare themselves willing to govern, sacrifice themselves for the nation, are willing to inherit a ship that sails in murky waters, sure to be able to carry it to port.

Certainly no one now believes in magic wand solutions anymore: Covid has awakened us from the illusion of "simplification", as I have been denouncing for some time. The majority forces, for their part, also draw a positive balance, having tried in every way the mediation, in order to give a government to the Nation. And how to deny it? Let's remember the agreement for a yellow-green government first, then a yellow-red one. There have been countless attempts to negotiate; it would be really reductive and ungenerous to place the responsibility on the individual.

Therefore, if we all go to the heart of the matter, if we are really all worried about the people who are dying of hunger, the petty figure we make in Europe, we must all take up the real challenge that Covid has launched us. In fact, misfortunes often become an opportunity to confront oneself with one's unresolved knots, with the mistakes of the past that risk compromising the present. We are all called into question.

I believe that at the foundation of this umpteenth government crisis lies that excess of simplification which has inevitably led to a loss of planning. If the problems cannot be solved with the logic that produced them, this also applies to the government. No news, in fact, but the usual cliché that always produces the same results: today Italians lose 7,700 thousand euros due to the increase in the spread. All strictly under the eyes of all, live: hundreds of hours of broadcasts during which hypotheses and predictions follow one another, as if it were a game of chess; but the pawns are the citizens and in the middle there is the relationship of trust with the political class, a relationship already seriously compromised for months.

Instead, let's try to give a reading that probably does not increase the share index but would lower that of the spread, thus making Italy fly. After all, this is the task of politics. Straight back, broad shoulders, arms outstretched, with the pride of the founding fathers who devised a Constitution that brought Italy out of the post-war swamp: the right to study, freedom of thought and speech, health, Association. Sure, the American money served, but that money without the principles established by the Constitution would have led to nothing. The same situation we are experiencing today: European funds will do very little without ideas, values, new projects. Italy was still fresh from the wounds of war: a simplification that played downwards could not be afforded. And, as they aimed high, the politicians listened seriously to the grassroots. How can we forget Calamandrei's resistance to the approval of art. 32 of the Constitution?

Well, today we have fresh wounds of Covid, we feel the tragedy of the new poor who go to lengthen the lines outside the assistance centers and horizontal subsidiarity can no longer hold up, having the State abdicated its vertical subsidiary role, naturally ability of citizens to produce income for themselves and for others.

We must therefore focus everything on "responsible coherence": the political class can afford it, because no one could ever blame the Right for having governed with the Left, the risk of agreements does not exist, because we are under the siege of Covid, deprivation cultural is an established fact, our young people are stealing the future.

Then we can unite, finally demonstrating that the Tricolore is not a badge exposed to camera pros, yesterday as a pin, today as a mask.

Courage, honorable Deputies and Senators, rediscover your role and really help the citizens, ferry Italy out of the troubled waters in which it pours. It can be done, because you want it, so you declare, the citizens ask you, the state of emergency saves you from the reasonable doubt of the under-the-table agreement and today you will write a new page of history that sees the Italians return to the courage of the constituent fathers . Only in this way will it be possible to retrace the paths of democracy. Certainly Italy is not under the rubble left by the bombs or under the fire of the bullets of the Red Brigades: nevertheless, the situation is delicate and risks giving rise to pernicious processes for the social stability of the country.

There are no losers and winners, good and bad: the time of elections, primates, alliances and even that healthy confrontation typical of democracy will come, a confrontation that is the salt of democracy and the only effective antidote to the regime.

But now Italy needs, in the words of President Mattarella, "the best forces in the field" and these are played out in Parliament, as the second position of the State, President Casellati, has repeatedly invited us to do. Both distinguished jurists, Mattarella and Casellati.

The hope is that in the next few hours all the political forces of the opposition (Forza Italia, Lega, Noi con Italia, Udc, Democratic Party, Italia Viva, Leu, various mixed groups, Cambiamo, Pdf) will unite and take the field the best forces, acting jointly. The majority and the opposition are not needed at this time, the emergency requires it.

The task of the State is not to provide subsidies, but to invest with massive and radical interventions on the freedoms of individuals who, by shifting responsibilities, generate horizontal subsidiarity which, with vertical subsidiarity, relaunches the economy. This cannot be done by a single party, by a single party: national unity is needed. Only political generosity can retrace paths of democracy capable of saving the nation. All, paradoxically, thanks to Covid.

Let's try it, let's believe it: we owe it to the memory of the people who died, their family members, health personnel, students, teachers, all citizens. We can write a new page. Who knows that this Legislature cannot close with that broad transversality that sees the ministries as expert, competent people who decide to sacrifice themselves to ferry Italy out of the crisis. Soon the Parliament will be called to vote for the President of the Republic: we know that this cannot be resolved, as always, in a game of palace, of agreements, of tactical moves. Let's try with a broad agreement to revive Italy, to vote for the President of the Republic. Freedom always moves responsibility. In these hours only a sense of high generosity towards the institutions and citizens can rewrite a wonderful page of republican history.

I appeal to the consistency of politicians: over the years I have had the opportunity to meet many of them, almost all party leaders, and I know for sure that they love the nation, that they can do it, if we citizens too stop enjoying the sectarian confrontation and consequently sterile.

Today Italy needs a government of national unity to keep the country united, to safeguard the freedom of our children, a freedom increasingly compromised by the growing curve of cultural deprivation, to guarantee the independence and unity of the nation that is about to sign a debt of billions of euros to be spent effectively to restart the country.

Only in this way will we be able to carry out those reforms of a national nature which require large forces, being simple reforms, but very delicate ones, in the field of education, health and work.

And at the same time the political class and we citizens will all come out of this experience more human, more supportive, more coherent. It will be no coincidence that Covid has upset our lives just as everyone was talking about the need to found a new humanism, capable of restoring new dignity to the man of the 21st century.

Sister Anna Monia Alfieri

( www.ildirittodiapprendere.it )

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-auspico-un-governo-di-unita-nazionale/ on Sun, 17 Jan 2021 16:35:13 +0000.