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Because the agreement for agile work in the private sector is innovative

Because the agreement for agile work in the private sector is innovative

After the agreement on agile work, now it's up to the national and corporate contraction to give the best possible answers. The intervention of Roberto Benaglia, general secretary of the Fim-Cisl

For the Fim Cisl yesterday's agreement on agile work opens an innovative season for future bargaining. We greatly appreciate the result achieved on smartworking between the social partners and the Ministry.

The agreement finally defines the framework for collective bargaining to regulate the important novelty of agile work, which, with the pandemic, has spread further in these two years.

Millions of workers today no longer have only individual agreements but a regulatory framework that entrusts further developments to bargaining, which we should be able to grasp.

Finally a good day of industrial relations, not only constructive but looking to the future.

It is very important to have set goals related to the right to disconnect, to train and grow people within an increasingly responsible work framework; to the fairness of treatment – including welfare – issues of privacy and safety in the workplace.

The reference to the absence of a precise working time and the autonomy of performance on pre-established objectives that characterize agile work from now on is absolutely revolutionary for the Fim Cisl.

With this agreement, the hourly wage is overcome and new parameters of remuneration, the construction of rights and protections are built, a season opens that the Fim Cisl wants to face with intensity, innovation and the ability to build new and new balances protections that these workers indicate to us in their needs.

Now it's up to the national and corporate contraction to give the best possible answers. We will be committed to this.

Roberto Benaglia

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/perche-e-innovativo-laccordo-per-il-lavoro-agile-nel-settore-privato/ on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 07:30:43 +0000.