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Because the government is feverish

Because the government is feverish

What happens in the Conte government

Just as the Saints were not spared yesterday, so the Dead were not today on the day of their anniversary, earning on the front page of Corriere della Sera a once-so-unhappy cartoon of Emilio Giannelli, updated to the problems of the pandemic, among actual deaths and activities entrenched by the restriction measures taken, and still on the way, to try to contain the infections. And fight Covid 19 between encirclement and frontal attacks, according to a language of war evoked on Repubblica by the former director Ezio Mauro.

More sober and constructive was the reference of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to the cemeteries, going to visit one in Bresciano, where a cross had been stolen from the tomb of one of the fallen in this cursed Covid war, let's call it that. The substitute role of the head of state becomes more and more evident in this political transition marked by the objective weakness of the government, the confusion of roles between the state and the regions and the inadequacy of the opposition of the center-right. From whose front came the worst fool of the last 24 hours with the sortie of the Ligurian governor Giovanni Toti for the confinement of the elderly, which would be closed in the closets, at home, as a newspaper of that same political party, Libero, mockingly titled. not whether to remove them or bring them closer to the final destination of a coffin.

Toti tried to apologize for the worst, frankly he couldn't, first by unloading responsibility for the words attributed to him on a collaborator and then confirming their meaning. For once, Il Fatto Quotidiano might not have made a mistake in using Toti's injury, even though he somehow proposed to be the new man, or one of the newest, of the group founded at the time by Silvio Berlusconi, to question and possibly abolish the Regions, once they have emerged from the Covid war, hopefully winning.

On the weakness of the government, an admission came to Repubblica from the inevitable Goffredo Bettini, a sort of Sibyl of the Democratic Party. Which is missing only the experience of the virologist to complete the round of his skills. "Errors yes, but Conte fought, now give the sense of a united guide", is the title of the interview that summarizes Bettini's thinking, in the end he too convinced that a "united guide" is missing from the government and the majority. Which frankly does not seem insignificant. Nor does it seem to me to be enough, to remedy it, the invitation to the usual meeting around "a political table", which has already been asked in vain by Matteo Renzi, to even decide "a time schedule" to be carried out alone, it seems to understand.

The "time schedule" is the one requested by Luigi Di Maio for the grillini in view of a verification, where a declaration by the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi must be recorded, a controversy with Di Maio himself for the future of the Capitol to be written with Zingaretti. "We are thinking of the virus", the outgoing mayor of the capital reacted speaking in the plural. We would only miss this: that the fate of the viral war is entrusted to her, like those of the Roman garbage.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-il-governo-e-febbricitante/ on Mon, 02 Nov 2020 06:10:32 +0000.