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Because we need a new social pact

Because we need a new social pact

The speech by Alessandra Servidori

The electoral campaign is a unique and tiring experience: we make plans, thousands of leaflets, and we also chase after emergencies that seek space in the newspapers day after day, often discovering issues that we have been reporting for years with data (with related proposals for regulations ) often overlooked or become the subject of spot interventions, and which suddenly become "fundamental".

It is the question of public debt and resources, of the failed birth rate, of the unhealthy idea of ​​abolishing tax law as a teaching of jurisprudence. I'll start from the tail and therefore from the question that seems truly outside the reality of tax law (and, consequently, tax proceedings) which is that branch of law that deals with regulating the relationship between the taxpayer and the treasury. In our legal system the concept of "tax" is not defined and therefore in doctrine it is identified as a mandatory benefit imposed and aimed at guaranteeing everyone's contribution to the financing of public expenditure, in application of the art. 53 of the Constitution , and connected to an economic factor (a performance, a service, a production or income factor) which must be provided for exclusively by law. Taxes include duties, contributions, taxes and fiscal monopolies.

Given that the matter is fundamental for the balance of constitutional and labor law, I hope that whoever launched this proposal is blocked by the common sense of political decision makers since tax reform is one of the issues that must be addressed as a priority even in European context seeking a balanced agreement.

The other story unfolds through a series of initiatives that have dealt with the birth rate with editorials on the general states of the same but, as we have repeatedly insisted on these pages , for the maternity issue we need solid, structured and integrated interventions and decontributions to the female work, we must absorb the good standards, as well as concrete tools, which in European countries are adopted with positive impacts such as services for children and non-self-sufficiency, the cultural and concrete sharing of family responsibilities, opportunities for immigrant and non-immigrant families , work-life balance and care, as well as housing policies.

With the unions we need to put a social pact back on track which also strengthens the organization of work through the negotiation of corporate welfare and the sharing of productivity profits through the participation of workers with an acceleration of local bargaining.

And we come to the question of debt and resources on which the pyramid must be planted. Someone (I'm actually practicing this) must say that we cannot remove reality. The expansion is over and floating is very difficult, we are in a structural economic crisis and we cannot move forward like this.

An economic and social pact must be made because the GDP indicators continue to tell us that yes we have anchors in private savings (5 thousand billion and more) but it is growth that must support the enormous public debt that we are carrying. Because we are eroding the famous Italian savings: which until 2004 had stabilized at around 11%, it is now at 7%, so demography also reduces the assets, especially real estate and the rental of savings.

We have few shareholders and fewer real estate properties. The useful tools are represented by moving a slice of Italian savings into BTPs and not only to finance other foreign funds; we need managers with an open vision and push the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to support the Italian system also for small and medium-sized enterprises and not in supporting decaying businesses, work on the development phase of Italian companies for businesses with incentives and strengthen the role of the Bank of Italy for coordination and balanced management of access and facilitation of credit.

We misplace wealth and do not help companies to network with bureaucracy and "lack of a meaningful framework" while we need an intergenerational vision and path.

On this and more, Italy must be strengthened in Europe and it is there that we are playing for credibility. And power.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/perche-serve-un-nuovo-patto-sociale/ on Mon, 13 May 2024 09:26:48 +0000.