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Behind the migrants there is also the Russian Wagner. Word of General Jean

Behind the migrants there is also the Russian Wagner. Word of General Jean

The number of migrants arriving in Italy is increasing. Among the reasons are: favorable climatic conditions, the political instability of North Africa and the actions of Wagner. Conversation with General Jean

In the first two months of 2023, the number of migrants arriving on our shores and sorted into first reception centers more than doubled compared to last year. According to data reported by the Interior Ministry, 20,046 people landed illegally in Italy from 1 January 2023 to 17 March. In the same period of 2022 there were 6,367, a similar number in 2021 when it reached 6,041 irregular migrants. It should be emphasized that the disappearance of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic makes the comparison with the past two years particularly difficult. Nonetheless, there are now new conditions that facilitate travel in the Mediterranean basin.


First of all the favorable weather conditions, which push human traffickers to venture into crossings that very often prove fatal. Secondly, the political instability of North Africa pushes many people to entrust their hopes, and their savings, to a long and dangerous journey. About 1,535 migrants who arrived in Italy come from Tunisia, governed in an increasingly controversial manner by Kais Saied and shaken by the economic and financial crisis ( here the insight from Start Magazine ), the fourth most numerous among those registered and who provided personal details. The president of Tunisia, for his part, is implementing a squeeze on immigration from Sub-Sahara, in particular against people from Guinea and the Ivory Coast , who represent the two most populous groups among the migrants who arrive in Italy . And finally, the arrival of migrants would be a weapon used by Russia to weaken the European front. The material executors of this strategy would be the mercenaries of Wagner , the military brigade not part of the Russian army, present in Ukraine and in vast areas of Africa, directly reporting to Moscow.


This statement is made by two ministers of the Meloni government: the foreign minister Antonio Tajani and of Defense Judo Crosetto . The head of Wagner Evgeny Prigozhin responded in kind to the latter. “He should deal with his own problems, which he probably hasn't been able to solve – said the Russian soldier -. We are not aware of what is happening with the migration crisis, we do not deal with it, we have a lot of our own problems to deal with". Last summer the same information was branded a hoax by the current Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini. It's actually no mystery that the Wagner is present in large areas of North and Central Africa, enmeshed in several illegal activities.


To support the thesis of the two ministers there is also the General Carlo Jean , president of the Centro Studi di Geopolitica Economica, professor at the Guglielmo Marconi University, Link Campus University and at the Radio and Television Journalism School of Perugia. "It is practically certain that Wagner will compete since Wagner competes in all the activities of the illegal economy, above all in the Sahel and, as I told you, in Libya but also in Mozambique, Somalia, Senegal, the Ivory Coast – said the Army Corps General -. It is very present and, since the trafficking of human beings constitutes one of the most relevant aspects of the African economy, of the illegal economy of some African countries, such as that of Niger, Wagner is certainly slipped into this trafficking to make money . But not only. To track Moscow addresses. Russia knows very well that an increase in immigration to Europe causes problems between European states”.


The intent is, therefore, to break the cohesion of European states in supporting Ukraine. Wagner is present in many African countries. “The reports are that Wagner is present in Africa in about twenty states out of the fifty states which includes Africa. They are present above all in the Sahel, but also extending their presence in Somalia and Mozambique – continues General Jean -. Furthermore, it is very strong in Mali where it even has a contract with the government and in the Central African Republic where it has recently had quite violent encounters". The activities carried out are comparable to those of a foreign legion. “They follow the guidelines of Russian politics and employ Wagner as a tool to increase its influence in regimes that are favorable to Moscow – adds the general -. It is used by Putin directly as if it were a private army".


The reason is to be found in the retreat of European and, in particular, French influence from the African continent. “This development, this greater influence of Wagner is due to the withdrawal of European and, in particular, French influence in the Sahel – explains General Jean -. France recently withdrew the troops it had in Niger, it had in Mali, it had in Burkina Faso. All that area below southern Africa is in full swing , is going through a political and economic crisis to which is added the climate crisis. So there is an increase in the flow of immigrants which is organized by local elements which are certainly supported, or at least not opposed, but certainly supported by Wagner". The retreat of French influence has also left a lot of room for China. “Those of China are above all economic interests. Africa is very rich in the new raw materials essential for the ecological transition , from cobalt, to lithium, to copper, they are massively present in Africa – adds Jean -. China's African penetration is facilitated by the fact that it is practiced by state enterprises that do not only look at reasons not only of an economic nature, such as Western industries, but at reasons of a political and geopolitical nature on the directives that the Chinese Communist Party gives depending on China's policy".


After tragedy of Cutro to come under attack was also Frontex , the European agency which since 2004 has been helping EU countries and countries associated with the Schengen area manage their external borders. However, in General Jean's opinion, the sinking of Cutro could not be attributed to failures by Frontex. “The flow of migrants has increased and consequently the number of deaths in the Mediterranean has increased – concludes the general -. If you see the relationship between the number of landings and the number of deaths, we are at the same levels as in previous years, when there were the same rules, the same organizations, when there was Mare Nostrum and so on”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/dietro-i-migranti-ce-anche-la-russa-wagner-parola-del-generale-jean/ on Sun, 26 Mar 2023 06:53:07 +0000.