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Biden’s America is also in confusion on Nord Stream 2

Biden's America is also in confusion on Nord Stream 2

The US between sanctions and pirouettes on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Giuseppe Gagliano's italics

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Friday 20 August the imposition of a new sanctions package against the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

Going into detail, the sanctions put in place by the American administration concern the ship Ostap Sheremeta, the company linked to it, namely JSC Nobility and the insurance company Konstata. What is the actual usefulness of these sanctions considering that the pipeline has now reached the stage of completion?

These sanctions have a purely symbolic value and are yet another failure of both the Trump and Biden administrations against Russian energy policy. In fact, what impact can sanctions of this nature have when there are now only 15 km left to complete the pipeline?

To demonstrate this, it is sufficient to cite the Bloomberg news agency which opportunely underlines that the Nord Stream 2AG company has not been affected by the American sanctions.

On the other hand, Angela Merkel went to Moscow precisely to hold a summit with President Putin , a summit which coincidentally had the gas pipeline as its object.

This meeting is very significant above all for one reason: European democracies – and extra-European democracies such as the US – are obtorto neck forced to come to terms with authoritarian systems to carry out their foreign policy.

Like it or not, China, Russia, Turkey and the current Islamic emirate in Afghanistan will increasingly constitute imported interlocutors not only for the United States but also for the European Union.

A demonstration of how the sacred principles of democracies, brought into reality, are forced to make significant compromises that if they do not undermine the credibility at least put ineffective their universality.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/le-inutili-sanzioni-usa-gasdotto-nord-stream-2/ on Sun, 22 Aug 2021 09:47:31 +0000.