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But do Letta and Conte really support Draghi?

But do Letta and Conte really support Draghi?

The point on the majority that supports the Draghi government after the meeting between Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte

The "politician-leftist" of two former premier, Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte, on the one hand; the simple and pragmatic narrative in its complexity by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, which spans all dramatically current themes on the other.

The language itself in a single day seems mercilessly photographing two images that conspicuously clash with each other: an Italy that seems to have its head turned to the past, with formulas with an old and self-referential flavor of the left of the former defeated yellow-red majority, and a ' another, on the other hand, is projected towards the difficult challenges of today, that is to say the world after Covid.

While Draghi speaks in the Senate and in the Chamber (yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon, before the European Council today and tomorrow) with his "narrative so concrete that in the language of these classrooms it sounds almost happily strange" (is the effective comment he makes to the reporter the young deputy, head of the departments of Forza Italia, Alessandro Cattaneo), the press agencies give the news of the contextual meeting between Letta and Conte.

With regard to the old-new axis between Pd and Cinque Stelle, definitions, words with the flavor of the past, such as "large field" or "priority construction site", "privileged dialogue", or, according to Conte, the attitude that the Five Stars, of which he is preparing to become leader, intends to have with the Democratic Party.

Everything changes because nothing changes in the Italian left? New protagonists, but always old debates, with technical formulas, which sound drawn at the table, incomprehensible to the real country and its dramatic emergencies?

Two images that conspicuously clash with each other are those of the debate in parliament on the one hand, with the premier of a government of national salvation, committed to today's challenges, so that "Italy makes its voice heard stronger in Europe", and on the other hand, at the same time, the meeting between two former prime ministers engaged instead in a self-referential debate.

Draghi particularly appreciated the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, who commented positively above all on the part on the hypothesis of "safe reopening" protocols, Annamaria Bernini, leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, Antonio Tajani, national coordinator for Italy, Matteo Renzi, leader of Italia Viva, supporter, in the former majority, of this government.

While, the Democratic Party, as well as with the former premier Conte, is grappling with all internal problems with the change of group leaders, including the "Renziano" Andrea Marcucci himself, considered among the most favorable to the Draghi government. Graziano Delrio, in the name of "gender equality", ie the election of two women to lead the groups, left first.

But discontent and discontent meander in some areas of the dem, where someone, while Draghi is about to make the reply to the House, launches into sarcastic jokes like this: "More than seven years in France, the new secretary seems to have been seven years in Tibet, in a very distant place ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/letta-conte-draghi/ on Thu, 25 Mar 2021 05:31:06 +0000.