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Colao’s pirouettes on the network and broadband

Colao's pirouettes on the network and broadband

What the minister for technological innovation and digital transition, Vittorio Colao, said about the single network and broadband

It does not matter that it is unique, the essential thing is that the network is fast and accessible to all. Word of the minister for technological innovation and digital transition Vittorio Colao who, during the round table "Which country for business", organized by Pwc, underlined the need to have infrastructures capable of eliminating the technological gap that separates many areas of Italy.

This is what we read today in the Corriere della Sera : "The single network today appears to be the best way to bring high-speed connection throughout the country – said Colao – more than two fixed networks cannot be created, so we must avoid that three fibers pass through the center of Milan, while, for example, in Liguria or Calabria not even one: if the price to pay is a single network, so be it ".

One question, or rather two, creeps up among the insiders. But who is laying a third fiber network in Milan? And then: why did Colao change his mind on the unique network that until now did not include the former top manager of Vodafone (a group that has always been critical-skeptical of this perspective) among the supporters of the project?

Did Palazzo Chigi change Colao's mind? "It is one of our objectives, and sooner or later it will happen," said the economic advisor of the Prime Minister Francesco Giavazzi in March.

Several ideas that until a little less than a year ago the owner of technological innovation professed on the subject.

“I believe that the right role of politics is to think about the interests of citizens”, then to bring broadband to them and “according to doing it in a balanced way. Corporate matters must be assessed by the companies and the Antitrust, ”Colao said last May in a webinar by Il Messaggero . “Our objective is political and of the country – he stressed – not of corporate structures” and therefore aiming at “any situation suitable to give broadband to everyone, we will do it with tenders” that will put operators in competition. Bringing broadband throughout the country "in a balanced way" means for Minister Colao, making sure "that it guarantees choice, competition, the plurality of subjects that protect the little ones compared to the big ones" and aim for "any suitable situation to give broadband to everyone, regardless of where they are. We will do it with tenders, with subsidies that can go to competing operators, collaborating operators, in consortium. We will see it when we do the races ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/le-piroette-di-colao-su-rete-e-banda-larga/ on Wed, 13 Apr 2022 08:21:52 +0000.