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Consip, what Tim and Accenture will do for PA cybersecurity

Consip, what Tim and Accenture will do for PA cybersecurity

Lot 1 of the “Remote security” framework agreement was awarded by Consip with the winning consortiums led by Accenture and Tim. The call for tenders draws on funds from the NRP in the field of cybersecurity. All the details

The consortiums led by Tim and Accenture win the cybersecurity competition launched by Consip.

There was not only the national strategic pole (Psn) in the Italian Cloud game, whose implementation and management are being entrusted to the economic operator consisting of the Sogei, Leonardo, Cdp Equity and Tim grouping.

Yesterday Consip, the Treasury spa that manages purchases for the public administration, signed the contract relating to lot 1 of the tender for "remote security services", with the successful tenderers being the Rti led by Accenture and Telecom Italia.

In particular, Accenture leads the Rti which includes Fincantieri Nextech spa, Fastweb and Deas -Difesa and analysis systems spa while Tim that with Netgroup srl, Reevo spa, Kpmg advisory spa and Almaviva.

"The initiative makes cybersecurity services available for the management of IT security and data protection of administrations in coherence with the indications of the Three-Year IT Plan in the PA, and is functional to the implementation of Pnrr projects (Mission 1" Digitization " – Component 1 “Digitization, innovation and security in the PA”) ”explains the Consip note.

The tender is divided into two lots, one of 468 and the other of 117 million euros.

All the details.


The activation of the contract is scheduled for September 2022. In this way, PAs will be able to acquire a wide range of services provided by suppliers in "remote" mode: Security Operation Center, Next Generation Firewall, Web Application Firewall, Identity management and user access, Remote digital signature, stamping, time stamp and electronic seal, Continuous management of security vulnerabilities, Threat Intelligence Data Feed / Vulnerability Data Feed, Internet and email protection, End point protection, SSL certificates, Training and security awareness, specialist services.


Specifically, the contract for lot 1 has a value of 468 million euros and will have a duration of 24 months. It provides for the allocation of quotas to different awarded suppliers based on their placement in the final merit ranking. PAs will be able to stipulate executive contracts – up to a maximum duration of 48 months – with the suppliers identified, without reopening the competition.


"Tim, in the role of agent of a business grouping that also includes Almaviva, Netgroup, Kpmg and Reevo, was awarded 40% of lot 1 of the Consip tender for the supply of remote security services for Central Public Administrations ( including ministries, subsidiary agencies, research bodies, INPS and INAIL). The lot has a total value of 468 million euros and the RTI led by Tim is therefore entitled to 187 million, of which about half will go to the tlc group ”specifies MF .


Finally, the Consip framework agreement for "Remote security services" is completed by the contract relating to lot 2, worth 117 million, already active since last May, which provides "compliance and control" services, aimed at to identify the security status of the information system, to define the cyber security strategy, to identify security needs.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/consip-cosa-faranno-tim-e-accenture-per-la-cybersecurity-delle-pa/ on Fri, 05 Aug 2022 14:06:23 +0000.