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Economic Scenarios

The «Virus night owl»: closing of the premises in France at 10 am between protests and the loss of the sense of ridicule

In France, the situation is heating up, and not only due to the growing number of cases related to the coronavirus, 16,000 new cases were recorded between Wednesday and Thursday, especially among elderly people, starting to alarm the entire health system and population.

The government is starting to be in trouble: on the one hand, the public debt has now exceeded 114%, so there can be no big lockdowns still financed by strong contributions, except for the ECB and above all the Commission of President D̶o̶m̶b̶r̶o̶v̶s̶k̶i̶s̶ Von Der Leyen does not completely change its attitude and does not postpone the application of the restrictive regulations linked to debt and deficit indefinitely, not until 2022. So you have to rely on lockdowns without any compensation.

After the explosion of cases in Paris and Marseille, in the South, the government therefore decides that cafes, clubs and restaurants must all close for two weeks, despite having a very long closure period and are on the verge of survival. The protests have started. First there was a kind of big final party, to celebrate the last day of opening, so today hundreds of managers of bars and restaurants met in front of the Chamber of Commerce to protest against this measure that leads them to misery.

The restaurateurs protest because, among other things, they have respected the measures of division and social distancing, with the creation of barriers between people and the cutting of seats, but all this has not served. While in public transport you travel stuck, in Marseille public businesses are punished.

Le Pen's Rassemblement National asks for Castex's head who can't handle the crisis. There are also 5,600 positive students in schools and universities, many in general, but few compared to the total 12 million. In fact, many contest the government's decisions because they are considered excessive for the economy. We are back to the contrast of March and the second wave is likely to prove politically and economically devastating.

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The article The «Virusnottambulo»: closing of the premises in France at 10 am between protests and the fall of the sense of ridicule comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-virus-nottambulo-chiusura-dei-locali-in-francia-alle-10-fra-proteste-e-caduta-del-senso-del-ridicolo/ on Fri, 25 Sep 2020 10:16:32 +0000.