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Does the left defend Italy or France?

Does the left defend Italy or France?

The quarrel between France and Italy on migrants and party reactions. Sacchi's note

The clash is accentuated, it is the strongest since the era of the yellow vests when there was a diplomatic crisis caused by the support of the protests by the Five Stars. Giorgia Meloni responds resolutely, but without tones of defiance, to Emmanuel Macron and the ministers from across the Alps who, after having launched heavy accusations, such as that of "inhumanity", in fact invited the other EU countries not to respect the pacts of the welcome, they believe that "trust has failed". And they send gendarmes to the border. The premier said she was "struck" by the "aggressive, incomprehensible, unjustified" reaction. He provides the figures on redistribution: "Italy has welcomed 90,000 migrants, France 38, 117 in Europe". And he launches a warning: "Does Europe want to isolate Italy or the smugglers?". The Head of State intervenes, recalling the need for the "migration crisis" of "shared choices" in Europe, of "cohesion" in the response and emphasizes a "far-sighted policy for the African Region". Sergio Mattarella underlines, in fact, responding to the French ministers, the value of "trust" in the "common European home". It sounds like a very diplomatic response to some extreme tones. And the part dedicated to politics for Africa is a point that Meloni and the center-right have touched on several times.

A surprise visit in support of the premier is that of the president of the European People's Party, the German Manfred Weber , a supporter in the Forza Italia election campaign, complete with a visit to Arcore by Silvio Berlusconi , with an endorsement extended to the entire coalition. Weber in an interview with Meloni at Palazzo Chigi affirms that "Italy cannot be left alone by the EU". His visit is wedged in the clash waged by France, where Macron is under accusation by the right, with Italy. Weber's release of solidarity with the Meloni government could also have repercussions in the balance in the EU to the detriment of Macron and his Renew group, squeezed between the PSE and now the growing activism of the EPP.

In a scenario of such a political crisis, albeit not yet diplomatic, the substantial political absence of the left opposition stands out, from where through various members of the Democratic Party only accusations against Meloni and his government start. The premier is even accused of being "against the national interest". The tones sound almost to the limit of complacency with France. Not a word about the solutions to the migrant drama. We are discussing the congress, the descent into the field of the vice president of Emilia Romagna Elly Schlein is advancing, there is already an underground fight between candidates, there is talk of rights, ecology but silence on the heavy French accusations against Italy. Carlo Calenda himself, while criticizing the “forcing of the center-right”, claims that he did not appreciate certain French tones.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/la-sinistra-difende-litalia-o-la-francia/ on Sat, 12 Nov 2022 07:40:38 +0000.