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Doria, Duilio and Cavour. What does the new defense order to Fincantieri foresee

Doria, Duilio and Cavour. What does the new defense order to Fincantieri foresee

To Fincantieri contracts for 13.5 million from Defense on Navy ships. Here are all the details

From the Defense new order for Fincantieri.

The Trieste shipbuilding group was awarded "two different contracts by the Naval Armaments Directorate of the Ministry of Defense for activities relating to some units of the fleet", writes ShippingItaly . “The company in Liguria has its branch dedicated to military shipbuilding and has definitively acquired the task of renovating and modernizing the major ships supplied to the Navy”, underlines the 19th Century .

“Following two distinct negotiated procedures”, ShippingItaly specifies, Fincantieri has obtained an order for “services necessary for the logistical support of the Platform System” of the Cavour aircraft carrier, worth 7.5 million euros. It also signed a 6 million contract for the "supply of logistical support for the Platform System" of the Doria and Duilio ships.

So the new year began in the name of military business for the group led by Giuseppe Bono.

Just last week Fincantieri started work on the first new generation submarine for the Italian Navy. Production activities relating to the U212 NFS (Near Future Submarine) acquisition program started at the Muggiano (La Spezia) plant on 11 January.

All the details.


As regards the contract for the Cavour ship, the flagship of the Navy, "the contract provides for an adaptation of the infrastructures to make it fully suitable, concluding a program already started, for the new F-35 fighter", underlines Il Secolo XIX .

"From the exploratory notice published last July", explains ShippingItaly , it is clear that the contract will cover the years 2021-2023. The activities required are "the maintenance of the support system, the increase in the efficiency of the Platform System equipment, the increase in the know-how of the personnel, the continuous modernization of the plants, the logistic engineering support by the design authority "".


Furthermore, “the activities will be those of service management; field maintenance and engineering (system or subsystem control; preventive work activities; corrective work activities; implementation of Technical Change Proposals; on the job training activities; complementary work and organizational activities); support engineering (operation configuration management; obsolescence management; management of returns from the field; processing of technical modification proposals) and materials management (acquisition and renewal of special parts and special support vehicles) ".


Finally, the contract relating to the two ships Doria and Duilio relates to works to extend operations.

Fincantieri delivered the "Andrea Doria" and the "Caio Duilio" respectively in 2007 and 2009. These two destroyers for the Italian Navy are the fruit of the Italian-French Orizzonte program. The group had started construction in September 2003, after the contract signed in October 2000.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/doria-duilio-e-cavour-cosa-prevede-la-nuova-commessa-della-difesa-a-fincantieri/ on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 15:33:41 +0000.