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Draghi covers Meloni

Draghi covers Meloni

What Mario Draghi said about the Meloni government and beyond. Damato's Scratches


For once Mario Draghi took the cape out of the wardrobe, not the coat, to wear it by extending it to Giorgia Meloni. In an interview with Corriere della Sera Draghi, while saying that "it is not up to" him to "judge the government especially not after such a short time", he returned to defining "a skilled woman" with "a strong electoral mandate".


Draghi also somehow represented the current executive in continuity with his "20 months of government" characterized by "many challenges met and won", thanks to which "The country – said the former Prime Minister speaking no longer in the remote but simple past, almost a present – he has shown that he can do it".


From Iraq, having arrived on a mission to welcome the Italian soldiers who work there, Meloni will have liked it, and rightly so, having also spent several times in recent days representing herself in continuity with the previous government. Which was particularly appreciated by the Prime Minister not later than yesterday for the victory, for example, achieved with her at Palazzo Chigi on the problem of the gas price ceiling. To which Putin reacted furiously in the Kremlin, for too long accustomed to speculating on the energy market to finance his war on Ukraine.


Meloni, on the other hand, shouldn't rejoice at all at the effort made in the last few hours by her party friends – an effort on which La Repubblica gave the title – to unload on the "technicians" of the Ministry of the Economy the origins, causes, responsibilities and so on a certain, objective confusion registered in the parliamentary course of the tax maneuver in the Chamber. "Abandoned by their technicians", headlined the newspaper founded by the late Eugenio Scalfari in particular, writing about the ministers, deputy ministers and parliamentarians of the "brothers of Italy" who participated in the game, let's call it that, of the amendments that gradually resulted in more and more uncertain financial coverage, or even clamorously rejected by the State General Accounting Office.


The amplified complaints – I repeat – as with a lit match in a haystack with the title of Republic made Meloni's appear a little similar to the first government of Giuseppe Conte, in 2018. Whose spokesman blurted out in the threat of killing half the Ministry of the Economy which, according to him, had not collaborated or had even boycotted the budget law and its ambitious project to "defeat poverty" in Italy with the so-called basic income But also with other expenses that were little or not at all aligned with European parameters.

Now, however, that practically the Senate's ratification remains among the New Year's barrels, or almost, for the budget maneuver, it is hoped that the list of bungles and contingencies, to say the least, is over. And that Marco Travaglio can renege on the off-season wish of "Buon Carnevale" launched with the title of today's editorial in his usual Fatto Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/draghi-copre-meloni/ on Sat, 24 Dec 2022 07:28:15 +0000.