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Draghi, the left and the trade unions

Draghi, the left and the trade unions

Conversation of Lodovico Festa with Jacopo Tondelli, director of “The States General” starting from “ Draghi o il chaos – The great disintegration of Italy: is there a way out? ”, The new book by Festa and Sapelli. The series "Party Dialogues on Dragons or chaos" continues on Startmag

Perhaps it is time to give the floor back to the voters.
Politics has been decided from above for ten years and perhaps this creates elements of upheaval in our society.
“We are in a phase of disintegration of politics and institutions,” says Lodovico Festa. This is also the thesis behind “ Draghi o il chaos”, his new book written with Giulio Sapelli . "We have an opportunity with Draghi to reopen a space for politics".
"The issue is not just giving the floor back to the voters, but also keeping the word given when a vote is asked," replies Jacopo Tondelli. "We are at the end of a legislature that from the point of view of continuous betrayal is a national and world record, all the alchemy constructed by the majorities are opposed to what was promised not only during the electoral campaign, but also after, at the birth of the various formulas of majority".
In fact, we have seen a yellow-green government, a yellow and red one and finally a government of all led by Draghi.
"We are in a party of former Communists in the hands of former Christian Democrats," notes Festa referring to the Democratic Party. “Why are parties with such strong popular roots afraid of the popular vote?” He asks. "They do whatever it takes to avoid it."
"If there were no universal suffrage, we would almost always win, according to Bersani," recalls Tondelli.
"Now the vote of the popular classes more and more and more and more often goes elsewhere" he adds.
According to the New York Times Scholz is not quite Angela Merkel's heir. The interesting thing is that for the first time the Social Democrats in Germany are once again the first workers' party. They regained this primacy because Scholz, as a traditional social democratic, treated the workers with respect ”, highlights Festa. “Landini, who calls Fedez on May 1st, is a little less respectful and Orlando, who as Minister of Labor deals more with cannabis than with the union, gives this feeling…”.
“At a certain point, not only in Italy, they try to have voters by adding many minorities, small and medium-sized ones,” says Tondelli.

Draghi at the Quirinale will regenerate politics and the democratic state. Word of Festa & Sapelli

Dragons or chaos? Dialogue on the new book by Festa and Sapelli

Enrico Letta pro Draghi at the Quirinale? Festive dialogue with Cesaretti on "Draghi or chaos"

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/draghi-la-sinistra-e-i-sindacati/ on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 08:47:04 +0000.