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Dragons change music on curfew

Dragons change music on curfew

Speech by Giuseppe Spadafora, Unimpresa vice president

In just one year of social and economic upheaval, the attitude of the government should have changed, but it seems that nothing has changed. And even Draghi seems to have settled on old and widely criticized positions. No money arrives, small companies die, the poor increase and vaccines are a chimera. While it is true that distancing and vaccines are needed to start again, it is not clear how it is possible to put an obligation on an unconstitutional and undemocratic thing, that is, forced segregation at home after 10 pm and leave vaccination to the good heart of medical graduates on Facebook.

In fact I would have expected the exact opposite, but let's analyze the reasons for these decisions. If Conte 1 and 2 had supported their action of economic containment by increasing the public debt and giving a tip of a few billion to small entrepreneurs, allocating the majority to large companies, the Draghi 1 is no exception. It is true that this attitude has put a patch on the state budget which has collected 50 billion less than in 2019, as it is equally true that the GDP has remained above the 1,600 billion threshold, but if GDP and the state budget were able to breathe a sigh Of relief, the same has not happened for over 3 million workers and owners of bars, restaurants, hotels, taxis, trucking, beaches, gyms and many others. The reason is simple, 3 million workers in large companies are worth much more than 3 million fragmented and voiceless workers.

At this rate, without vaccines and without the certainty of putting a hot dish on the table for lunch and dinner, we run the serious risk that the growing discontent can no longer be stopped. Drastic and immediate measures are needed. President Draghi needs to take this blanket off the ground, go to Brussels and make it clear that if we want to keep this Europe united, we need to get hold of the printing presses to issue euros in rain, as he himself suggested in unsuspecting times. Italy needs only two things to restart. One trillion euros issued by the European central bank and payable at thirty years at a fixed rate and 250 million vaccines to cover a couple of years. I understand that the time is right to change the world's economic assets, but Italy is not Siberia. Italy must focus on tourism, gastronomy and all those other activities that are much appreciated in the world.

If we have to adapt to the completely green, all smart, all technologized mantra, that's fine, but the restaurateur in Castellammare di Stabia or the hotelier in Serra di Falco, or the taxi driver in Foggia or the gym in Mirano have little to do. By now it is clear that many of these will not have the strength to reopen, but precisely because we are Italy and because it is a Christian and social duty, it is necessary to accompany all these people economically, but not with small change, real money is needed immediately.

However, it seems that Europe does not hear us from this ear and in fact has brought interest rates to negative. Madness, pure madness. Who will pay this cost? Obviously all of Europe. But then, wasn't it better to print money? America did it, the Chinese did it and the results are visible. Why do we have to be under the broom of 4 Dutch bankers?

Dear President Draghi, it's time to change the music.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/draghi-cambi-musica-sul-coprifuoco/ on Fri, 23 Apr 2021 07:10:19 +0000.