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Eleventh Dpcm: what is it for?

Eleventh Dpcm: what is it for?

Because Prime Minister Conte's action is inconclusive and contradictory – even on the MES. The intervention of Raffaele Lauro, general secretary of Unimpresa, at the comment of the last Dpcm

The new presidential decree , announced yesterday evening with the usual hourly modalities of prime time and with the same artful propaganda claims of the cursed spring 2020, confirms that this premier, as well as the government he chaired and the pseudo-majority that supports it, are, for our country, a real misfortune, an unfortunate accident of fate, in a dramatic moment in its civil and economic history. The eleventh presidential decree of the long series, which, unfortunately, will not even be the last, repeats and aggravates, like a returning nightmare, the same fatal errors of the first pandemic phase, dominated by institutional anarchy, lack of coordination, from the overturning of decisions on regions and mayors, in short, by the non-government of the situation. No change of strategy, because today, as in the beginning, a "shred" of strategy is missing! You sail on sight, at the mercy of events and waves.

Among other things, no assumption of political responsibility, as if what happens were the business of others! Therefore, this decree, the result of another grueling mediation between ministers, technicians, regions and power lobbies, which pompously claims to balance the measures of epidemic containment without interrupting (sic!) The economic recovery, will not achieve one, nor the other result. The "political rottenness" of such devastating mediation derives from the original nature of this presidential figure and this parliamentary majority, with the result of another provision, which does not involve the opposition in terms of content, deprives Parliament of its role, institutional and constitutional, and renews the inconclusive trickle of confused and still unsolvable decisions, which always refer to other future decisions. The opposite of a health and economic emergency government! Who benefits from this predictable agony? Only to the survival of the government itself, certainly not to Italian families and businesses, especially micro, small and medium-sized ones, which are left with water in their throats, now forced to abandon the field, despite the amazing promises of the new financial maneuver of the so-called targeted interventions, after the rain, completely unsuccessful results.

The highlight of the umpteenth television performance of the premier, which will go down in political-institutional history, concerns the reasons given for the definitive rejection of the Mes, after the hesitant and possible declarations of the past weeks. Reasons, in hindsight, which not only constitute an affront to the Democratic Party, but are objectively serious and reckless, also in light of the difficulties in progress, at European level, for the application, as well as the methods and timing of disbursement, of the resources of the Recovery fund, also in a significant part of the loans. Are Conte and the M5S worried now that the ESM loans could take the public debt out of control? This concern would be commendable, except that this government has already brought the debt to 160 of the GDP and does not seem to worry in the least, not even in the Nadef , of the dramatic impact that the guarantees that the State will have to face, in the future, will have on public finances. loans granted to businesses, with previous economic decrees, loans not honored by many businesses, because they were forced to take the books to court. Was the lesson of 2012/2013 not enough? A company will soon publish statistical simulations, prepared by the Study Center, on the financial entity of these effects, which certainly will not be less than 10%. And we will thus realize what a harmful legacy, also in terms of public debt, this government will leave to future governments, citizens and Italian companies.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/undicesimo-dpcm-a-cosa-serve/ on Mon, 19 Oct 2020 13:40:04 +0000.