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Economic Scenarios

The conflicts of interest of Ferragnez and Zan. When the most important organ is the wallet

According to the latest investigation by the newspaper "L'Espresso", Chiara Ferragni's husband would in fact have "special" relations with the banking and insurance system. These relations would be so close that, by contract, Fedez would have forced himself never to talk about banks and insurance companies. This is what emerges in the investigation by Vittorio Malagutti and Carlo Tecce, according to which the business rapper this time would have accepted the censorship: the Be group, which finances him, would have forced him not to issue statements "that cause damage to society" , under penalty of the immediate end of the training.

"We do not do moralism", specifies Carlo Tecce, "Fedez obviously can do what he wants", but certainly after the article that will also be published in print, the figure of the unblemished and fearless knight of the Labor Day will be perceived in a different way. All this without talking about the details of the "Doom" system, a record company administered by the rapper's mother in which all the artists "recruited" by Fedez himself seem to be hired.

In addition, his wife, Chiara Ferragni, has announced the collaboration with some fashion houses listed on the stock exchange whose titles, in a bizarre way, would have seen purchase flows just before the announcement of the agreement. d

In the discussion with Carlo Tecce at "Lavori in corso", the affairs of the deputy Zan also leaked out as an event organizer in Veneto.

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The article The conflicts of interest of Ferragnez and Zan. When the most important body is the portfolio, it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-conflitti-di-interesse-di-ferragnez-e-di-zan-quando-lorgano-piu-importante-e-il-portafoglio/ on Thu, 03 Jun 2021 08:00:42 +0000.