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Eni, Enel, Leonardo, Fincantieri and more: how state-owned companies are doing on the stock market. CoMar Report

Eni, Enel, Leonardo, Fincantieri and more: how state-owned companies are doing on the stock market. CoMar Report

In the first six months of 2024, the listed companies participated by the Mef – such as Enel, Eni, Fincantieri, Leonardo and others – capitalized 224.4 billion euros. All the details of the CoMar report

How are the capitalizations of Eni, Enel, Leonardo, Fincantieri and more going? What weight do state-owned companies have on the stock market? And does the weight go up or down?

Here are numbers and comparisons taken from a survey by the CoMar study center.


At the end of the 1st half of 2024, the listed companies owned by the Ministry of Economy (MEF) capitalized 224.4 billion euros, representing 28.1% of the entire list; their weight drops, after many years, below 30%, having lost 2.19% of their capitalisation, which on 1 January was 229.4 billion euros.

The result of the investees is part of an overall performance of the stock market which grew by 4.79% in the half-year, going from a capitalization of 761.9 billion euros to one of 798.3 billion euros on 1 July.

The data were reprocessed by CoMar – Centro Studi on the basis of official information relating to all thirteen listed state companies active in finance, industry and services: Banca MPS, Enav, Enel, Eni, Fincantieri, Italgas, Leonardo , Poste Italiane, Raiway, Saipem, Snam, STMicrolectronics, Terna.


For the first time, the total value of the share that the State holds in its thirteen companies was also calculated: 69.9 billion euros, as of 1 July 2024.


Remembering the diversity of the individual Subsidiaries, CoMar's analysis highlights that:

Capitalizations : the largest are Enel with 67.2 billion euros (which alone accounts for 8.4% of the total list price), Eni with 47.5 billion (5.9%), STMicroelectronics with 33.5 billion, followed by Poste, Terna, Snam, Leonardo, up to Fincantieri;

Changes in the half-year : the greatest growths were by Saipem (+65.4%), Banca MPS (+52.1%), Leonardo (+46.4%), followed by Poste, Enav; all the other 8 are in negative territory, particularly with STMicrolectronics (-18.5%), Fincantieri (-15.2%), Snam (-10.2%);

Value of public share : it is 15.8 billion euros for Enel, 14.4 billion for Eni, 10.2 for Poste; up to 871.2 billion of Raiway or 573.2 of Fincantieri.


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/societa-partecipate-statali-primo-semestre-2024/ on Tue, 16 Jul 2024 05:27:19 +0000.