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Giuseppe Gola, here is the CV of the new Open Fiber company manager in place of Rossetti

Giuseppe Gola, here is the CV of the new Open Fiber company manager in place of Rossetti

Who is Giuseppe Gola, new CEO of Open Fiber, who takes over from Mario Rossetti at the top of the Cdp and Macquarie company. All the details

Giuseppe Gola is the new CEO of Open Fiber in place of Mario Rossetti, who formally resigned favoring the early change at the top but was essentiallytorpedoed by the government.

In fact, Mario Rossetti resigned from the position of CEO of Open Fiber and the board of the fiber optic network company met yesterday to take note of it.

Today a council meeting already scheduled for Cdp, 60% shareholder of Open Fiber (40% is the prerogative of the Australian fund Macquarie), I will give an indication of the name of the successor and the board of the subsidiary should soon meet again to co-opt the new director and appoint him CEO.

The designated successor in Rossetti's place is the engineer Giuseppe Gola, who was CEO of Acea until September last year (when the municipality of Rome and Caltagirone wanted Fabrizio Palermo, already number one, at the top of the former municipal company of Cdp) and was previously financial director of Wind.

“In defining the plan, already set out in broad terms by Rossetti, it will be interesting to see what position will be taken regarding the “single network” project, on which the CDP still seems to be betting,” Il Sole 24 Ore wrote today.


Born in L'Aquila in 1964.

Giuseppe Gola was CFO of the Acea Group.

Since May 2002 he has worked for Wind Telecommunications, where, from October 2007 to December 2016, he held the position of CFO. Previously he was responsible for Management Control. From January 2017 to August 2017 he worked as a senior advisor, collaborating with ZTE and Cellnex.

From 1998 to 2002 he worked in various telecommunications operators, including IPSE 2000, as head of Management Control, Albacom, as head of Strategic Planning, and Wind Telecommunications, where he held the role of head of the Business Plan.

He began his career working in the Enel Group, from May 1991 to June 1996, where, in the Teleinformatics Department, he was responsible for Investment Planning. In 1997 he became responsible for the business plan for Enel's mobile services, with the aim of developing a joint venture to enter the telecommunications market, as an alternative operator to Telecom Italia.

Giuseppe Gola graduated in Electronic Engineering in 1990 and obtained a Master in Business Administration from the LUISS Guido Carli School of Management.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/giuseppe-gola-ecco-il-curriculum-del-nuovo-capo-azienda-di-open-fiber-al-posto-di-rossetti/ on Thu, 28 Sep 2023 09:09:08 +0000.