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Goffredo Bettini, the man who whispers from Thailand to the horses of the Italian left

Goffredo Bettini, the man who whispers from Thailand to the horses of the Italian left

How and why does Goffredo Bettini continue to rage in Italian newspapers? Damato's Scratches

Today "ready" on Riformista even for early elections, in an interview with the newspapers Il Giorno, Resto del Carlino and Nazione submerged by more stringent international and internal news Goffredo Bettini presented himself yesterday as the man who whispers to the horses of the Italian left in all the editions that he has experienced in more than 50 of his almost 72 years of age: from the times of the PCI to those of the Democratic Party. And, as regards the Democratic Party, from the times of Walter Veltroni – now almost completely returned to journalism with the editorials in the Corriere delle Sera – to the current ones of Elly Schlein. Which seems to have struck a chord with the aspiring councilor, prompter and so on. But it would be even more so if he accepted the prospect of imitating the very distant Palmiro Togliatti and Aldo Moro, capable of ending up in the minority in the leadership of their parties and surviving there until the death: natural for one, violent for the other, killed by the red brigades.

What unfortunately Bettini, in his Roman culture or education completed with the contemplative rites of Thailand, is unable to overcome is the very contingent tactical limit of his exhortations to the current leaders of his political party. A limit beyond which this time, to tell the truth, he tried to push himself by making it so big, moreover with that physique he has, that it would be difficult for him to try to cover it, as the good soul of Amintore Fanfani intimated to his Christian Democrat friends who they ended up under his scathing judgments.

The tactic was exhausted, advising Schlein to play with Matteo Renzi, and not just football , without letting himself be influenced too much, and in any case always preferring Giuseppe Conte, whom he promoted five years ago with Nicola Zingaretti, then secretary of the Democratic Party, as the "point highest reference point for Italian progressives”; having exhausted, as I was saying, this tactical part of his reasoning and advice, Bettini wanted to focus on strategy, seeking the profound reasons for the crisis of the left.

In this acrobatic flight performed so high as to take him over the entire West, and not just Italy, Bettini discovered, ruled and so on that "since '89 the hope of a more humane and more just world has been extinguished ”. “The result – he said – is there for all to see: increase in inequalities, democratic crisis and war”. In the singular, inclusive of all those "in pills", as the Pope says, that are fought in the world.

Since '89 was not so much the year of the formation of Giulio Andreotti's sixth and penultimate government in Italy as – on a global level – the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the communism that was supposed to protect it, it should be deduced that the left he should curse him. But what are you talking about, Goffredo?, said very Roman-style, without Asian inflections.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/goffredo-bettini-thailandia-pd/ on Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:03:52 +0000.