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Green pass, pads, color zones. Here are the new anti Covid rules

Green pass, pads, color zones. Here are the new anti Covid rules

What the Council of Ministers decided on Thursday 22 July 2021 on the Green pass, pads and color zones

News on anti Covid rules.

Here is what the Council of Ministers decided on Thursday 22 July 2021, in the summary of Palazzo Chigi.


Urgent measures to deal with the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 and for the safe exercise of social and economic activities (decree-law)

The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the President Mario Draghi and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, resolved to extend the national state of emergency until 31 December 2021 and decided on how to use the Green Pass and new criteria for the "coloring "Of the Regions.

Green Pass

It will be possible to carry out some activities only if you have:

  1. Covid-19 green certifications (Green Pass), proving the inoculation of at least the first Sars-CoV-2 vaccine dose or recovery from Sars-CoV-2 infection (valid for 6 months)
  2. carrying out a rapid molecular or antigen test with a negative result for the Sars-CoV-2 virus (valid for 48 hours)

This documentation will be required to be able to carry out or access the following activities or areas starting from next 6 August:

  • Catering services carried out by any establishment for consumption at the table indoors
  • Shows open to the public, sporting events and competitions
  • Museums, other institutes and places of culture and exhibitions;
  • Swimming pools, swimming centers, gyms, team sports, wellness centers, even within accommodation facilities, limited to indoor activities;
  • Festivals and fairs, conferences and congresses;
  • Spas, theme and amusement parks;
  • Cultural centers, social and recreational centers, limited to indoor activities and with the exception of educational centers for children, summer centers and related catering activities;
  • Gaming rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos;
  • Public competitions.

Color zones

The incidence of infections remains in force but will no longer be the guiding criterion for the choice of colors (bank, yellow, orange, red) of the Regions. From the entry into force of the decree, the two main parameters will be:

  1. the occupancy rate of beds in the medical area for patients affected by Covid-19,
  2. the occupancy rate of ICU beds for Covid-19 patients.

We remain in the white area

Regions remain in the white zone if:

to. the weekly incidence of infections is less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for three consecutive weeks

b. if an incidence of more than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants occurs, the Region remains in the white zone if one of the following two conditions occurs:

  1. the occupancy rate of beds in the medical area for patients affected by Covid-19 is equal to or less than 15 percent;
  2. the occupancy rate of ICU beds for Covid-19 patients is equal to or less than 10 percent;

White to yellow

Certain conditions need to be met for a Region to turn yellow

to. the weekly incidence of infections must be equal to or greater than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants provided that the occupancy rate of the beds in the medical area is higher than 15 percent and the occupancy rate of the beds in intensive care for patients suffering from Covid-19 is above 10 percent;

b. if there is an incidence equal to or greater than 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the Region remains in the yellow zone if one of the following two conditions occurs

  1. the occupancy rate of beds in the medical area for patients affected by Covid-19 is equal to or less than 30 percent;
  2. the intensive care bed occupancy rate for Covid-19 patients is equal to or less than 20 percent;

Yellow to orange

It is necessary that there is a weekly incidence of infections equal to or greater than 150 per 100,000 inhabitants and at the same time having exceeded the occupancy limits of the medical and intensive care area beds foreseen for the yellow zone

Orange to red

A Region is in the red zone in the presence of an incidence equal to or greater than 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and if both subsequent conditions are met

to. the occupancy rate of hospital beds in the medical area for COVID-19 patients is over 40 percent;

b. the ICU bed occupancy rate for COVID-19 patients is over 30 percent.

Measures for carrying out cultural performances

In the white area and in the yellow area, the shows open to the public in theatrical halls, concert halls, cinemas, entertainment venues and live music and in other clubs or spaces, even outdoors, are carried out exclusively with pre-assigned seating. and on condition that respect for the interpersonal distance of at least one meter is ensured both for spectators who are not habitually cohabiting, and for staff, and access is allowed only to subjects with one of the Covid-19 green certifications.

In the white zone, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percent of the maximum authorized outdoors and 25 percent indoors in the case of events with a number of spectators greater than 5,000 outdoors and 2,500 indoors, respectively.

In the yellow zone, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percent of the maximum authorized and the maximum number of spectators cannot in any case exceed 2,500 for outdoor shows and 1,000 for indoor shows, for each single room . The activities must be carried out in compliance with the guidelines adopted.

Measurements for sporting events

Furthermore, for public participation in both events and competitions of competitive level recognized of pre-eminent national interest with a provision of the Italian National Olympic Committee and the Italian Paralympic Committee, concerning individual and team sports, organized by the respective national sports federations, sports disciplines associated, sports promotion bodies or international sports organizations, the following provisions apply to sporting events and competitions other than those mentioned:

In the white area, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percent of the maximum authorized outdoors and 25 percent indoors.

In the yellow zone, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 25 percent of the maximum authorized and, in any case, the maximum number of spectators cannot exceed 2,500 for outdoor systems and 1,000 for indoor systems. The activities must be carried out in compliance with the guidelines adopted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Sport, after consulting the Italian Sports Medical Federation, on the basis of criteria defined by the Technical-Scientific Committee


The owners or managers of the authorized services and activities upon presentation of the Green pass are required to verify that access to these services and activities takes place in compliance with the requirements.
In case of violation, a fine of between 400 and 1000 euros can be raised both for the operator and for the user. If the violation is repeated three times on three different days, the business could be closed for 1 to 10 days.

Disco Fund

A fund for ballroom refreshments is established.

Pads at a reduced price

The Extraordinary Commissioner for the implementation and coordination of measures to contain and combat the epidemiological emergency Covid-19 defines, in agreement with the Minister of Health, a memorandum of understanding with pharmacies and other health structures in order to ensure until 30 September 2021 the administration of rapid antigen tests at low prices that take into account the purchase costs.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/green-pass-tamponi-zone-a-colori-ecco-le-nuove-regole/ on Fri, 23 Jul 2021 09:04:03 +0000.