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Here are the news of the metalworkers contract

Here are the news of the metalworkers contract

All the details on the renewal of the metalworkers' contract. Facts, numbers and first comments

Increase in paychecks of 112 euros on the minimum level at the 5th level. Unions and entrepreneurs satisfied. The new contract contains an important and historic reform of the classification which provides, among other things, for the elimination of the first level. The entire first part of the contract on industrial relations, information rights, comparison and participation is then strengthened.

These are the salient aspects of the renewal of the national collective agreement for metalworkers signed last night.

Here are all the details.

The season of contract renewals materializes with a new prestigious result: the national labor contract for metalworkers has been made.

The agreement was reached yesterday between Federmeccanica -Assistal and Fim, Fiom Uilm: increase in paychecks of 112 euros on the minimums at the 5th level, 100 euros of increase to the third to be distributed in 4 tranches: to these are added the 12 euros of Ipca on the minimum since June 2020 due to the ultractivity due to the previous contract.

The contractual validity has been extended to June 2024 and is in fact brought to 4 and a half years. 200 euros per year of flexible benefits confirmed.

Four, therefore, the tranches with which the 112 euro wage increase on the minimum will be distributed: the first will arrive next June and equal to 25 euro; the second June 2022 for another 25 euros; the third in June 2023, for about 27 euros and the last in June 2024, for 35 euros.

The percentage for the Cometa fund is also expected to be raised to 2.2% from 2022 for those under 35. The new contract contains an important and historic reform of the classification which provides, among other things, for the elimination of the first level.

The entire first part of the contract on industrial relations, information rights, comparison and participation, training (in particular the subjective right to training), introduction of the social clause on public procurement is then strengthened.

Finally, the text includes a very significant passage on gender-based violence and a new part on smart working. The leaders of Fim, Fiom, Uilm, Roberto Benaglia, Francesca Re David, Rocco Palombella signed the agreement, which must now be approved by the workers; the president of Federmeccanica, Alberto Dal Poz, the general manager, Stefano Franchi, and the president of Assistal, Angelo Carlini.

Thus ends after 15 months of negotiations, a general strike of the category and a troubled 'extension' in search of the final agreement that has dragged on for three long days.


“The signing of the metalworkers' contract is a victory for the workers and the union who believe in the irreplaceable function of the national contract. An all the more exceptional result if we consider the extremely difficult phase that the country is going through. It's a great confidence boost in the future ”. Thus Pier Paolo Bombardieri, Uil secretary general, commented on the agreement “The wage increase achieved – he continued – is really significant and enhances the work of a leading sector of the national economy which will derive an overall benefit from this element. Good news, in short, for which we are grateful to the whole category of metalworkers ”.


“Today metalworkers make history by renewing the best contract in recent years. With the agreement finally reached, we obtained 112 euros of wage increase from 2021 to June 2024 in line with our expectations and the Fim Fiom Uilm platform. An ambitious goal that we have pursued to the end. In a period of unprecedented health, economic and social emergency, metalworkers send a strong and confident signal towards the future ”, said Rocco Palombella, Uilm general secretary after the signing of the contract renewal. A renewal, he explains, which on the one hand sees a substantial wage increase with which we have restored dignity to one of the most important categories of our industrial system; on the other hand, it initiates the reform of the professional classification after more than fifty years, preserving the acquired rights ".


"It is certainly very positive news for our entire manufacturing system and a sign of confidence in such a difficult moment for the life of the country, the signing of the new contract for metalworkers", underlined the general secretary of the CISL, Annamaria Furlan. "Our categories and Federmeccanica must be acknowledged for having concluded a very difficult and complex negotiation with a sense of responsibility", he explained, reiterating how the contract is "very innovative and modern", protects salaries, strengthens industrial relations, increases benefits of contractual welfare, the new guarantees on health and safety in the workplace, smart working, the fight against all forms of discrimination and gender violence. “The reform of the professional positions stopped since 1973 is also of great importance, with a new system in line with technological transformations and the digital transition”, he reiterated. “This contract is in addition to the others we have reached in recent months, in a season that must be that of the stipulation of all the expired private and public contracts involving millions of workers”, he concluded.


The metalworkers of the CISL are also satisfied. "Renewal is always an important fact, especially now in the course of a pandemic and at a time when the country is without a government: metalworkers have been able to give answers to 1.5 million workers with an important wage increase of 112 euros and a historic reform of the organization that restores value to work. We are satisfied, bargaining is our job and this contract allows the industry to restart with constructive solutions ”, commented Fim leader, Roberto Benaglia.


“The signing of the hypothesis of an agreement for the renewal of the national collective bargaining agreement is an extraordinary result for us” which “affects one and a half million male and female workers. The heart of this new contract is represented by the increase in wages and the reform of the professional classification ", said Francesca Re David, general secretary Fiom-Cgil, explaining that" with the new contract we have carried out the updating and the revision of the professional classification, adapting it to the profound technological and organizational transformations that took place from 1973, the date on which the current classification dates back, to today. The first, important result is represented by the overcoming of the first level starting from 1 June 2021 and thousands of workers will pass into the current second level ".

"The national contract for metalworkers just signed also goes in the direction of strengthening all the legislation regarding trade union relations, the rights of information and participation, the subjective right to training, the issue of health and safety and the fight against violence against women. Another contractual novelty is the introduction of the social clause on public procurement. While there is a commitment by the parties to define rules on agile work within the printing of the contractual text ".

Tomorrow morning – King David anticipated yesterday – "the Central Committee of Fiom-Cgil will meet, and after the meeting of the unitary bodies, the hypothesis of an agreement will be illustrated in the assemblies in the workplace and, finally, submitted to the binding referendum between all male and female workers ". The summit of the trade union confederation of Corso d'Italia in Rome has increased the dose. “The signing of the hypothesis of the renewal of the national metalworkers' contract is a great result for female workers and for the whole country. It is an investment in quality work and in the future of Italy's industrial system ”, commented the general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini commented on what happened.


"The important increases in the minimum contractual wages, the revision of the professional classification, the strengthening of the system of trade union relations, the right to training, health and safety, the fight against violence against women and the social clause on public procurement, they strengthen and qualify the role of the national labor contract ”, he added thanking Fiom for the work done. “Now the word passes to the metalworkers who, with their vote, are called upon to validate this fine contract”, concluded Landini.


Since yesterday tonight, Mario Draghi will meet next Monday the three general secretaries of CGIL, CISL and UIL, Landini, Furlan and Bombardieri during the consultations to form the new government.


The entrepreneurial opinions are also positive. Federmeccanica president Alberto dal Poz said; who reiterated the difficulty of reaching the contractual result, but who also considered the contractual increase as an investment for the future: “Our will has always been clear: to make the Contract. After a close but constructive comparison, we found the key to a renewal that respected the two conditions that are essential for us: continuity and sustainability. In continuity with the spirit of reform launched in 2016 with the contractual and sustainable renewal from an economic point of view ". According to the entrepreneurs, the employment reform is the most important element of the renewal of the metalworkers' contract. It is always from Poz to underline it: "All this has been possible to achieve thanks to the reform of the Management that Federmeccanica and Assistal have placed at the center of the negotiations with the proposal of last November 26". “No exchange” therefore between wage increases and classification but only “the confirmation of the guarantee system introduced with the 2016 Contract, and the result of the introduction of quality elements in the contractual fabric through the classification reform. An investment for the future ”, he concludes.


Federmeccanica and Assistal will present the hypothesis of agreement to their respective governing bodies in the coming days. “We are very satisfied with the great result achieved after months of negotiations, faced with a great sense of responsibility by the companies that have made a common effort to meet the demands made by the trade unions”. This was stated by Angelo Carlini, president of Assistal, the National Association representing the Manufacturers of Plants, Energy Efficiency Services – ESCo and Facility Management, a member of Confindustria. The contract, he stressed, "for the installation of plants and the metalworking industry that we have just signed together with Federmeccanica and Fim, Fiom and Uilm, represents on the one hand the consolidation of all those positive elements that emerged from the 2016 renewal, such as industrial, compulsory training and occupational health and safety, and on the other hand the introduction of significant new elements starting from a new conception of the professional framework that replaces the model introduced in 1973 ". With the signing of the joint document, noted Carlini, “by Assistal and Fim, Fiom and Uilm, we have definitively clarified an essential issue for our sector, which lives in a market made up almost exclusively of public and private procurement contracts. The concept of a 'category contract' signed by the most representative associations at national level was clarified. In other words, the unique reference to the contract that must be applied in tenders concerning the sectors represented by Assistal ". Very often, in fact, he adds, "in tenders for the activities of our perimeter, some participating companies apply contracts different from ours, referable to other specific sectors but not to plant engineering or energy services, for the sole purpose of applying economic conditions and lower regulations than the provisions of the contract today renewed, putting an end to the phenomenon described above which is harmful to companies and workers. The CCNL just signed is the reference Contract that must be assumed by the clients, as required by the Public Contracts Code and by the laws on the subject in public and private tenders ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/ecco-le-novita-del-contratto-dei-metalmeccanici/ on Sat, 06 Feb 2021 07:43:10 +0000.