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Here are the professions threatened by artificial intelligence. Word of OpenAI

Here are the professions threatened by artificial intelligence. Word of OpenAI

According to a study published in Science, AI threatens not only lower-skilled workers, but also software engineers and data scientists

It won't just be lower-skilled jobs that will be replaced by AI. According to a study published Thursday in Science and taken up by the Financial Times, the famous knowledge workers are also at risk, i.e. the protagonists of that period that we have been accustomed to defining with the expression "post-industrial" and which was characterized above all by introduction of information technologies.

I study

There are four authors of the analysis published in Science and two, Tyna Eloundou and Pamela Mishkin, work for OpenAI while Sam Manning and Daniel Rock belong respectively to the Center for the Governance of AI in Oxford and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

The research aimed to evaluate the possible impacts on work of large language models (LLMs) and related technologies, focusing on their relevance on the tasks carried out by workers.

923 occupations were examined, drawing from a specific database that classifies the type of work and the characteristics of the workers. The objective was in particular to ascertain whether AI is able to reduce by at least half the time it takes people to complete a specific task without affecting the quality of the result.

What emerged

The study essentially confirms the "deep concern" expressed a few days ago by the IMF about the effects of applying AI to a world of work where the exclusion of the human factor will be tangible together with the increase in inequalities.

But the real news is that these effects will not spare the most cutting-edge sectors and their related professional figures, including software engineers and data scientists, who will be no less exposed than lower-paid workers.

The share of workers employed in jobs that have 50% or more of the respective tasks exposed to the impact of AI is 18.5%.

Professional figures at risk from AI

In addition to those already mentioned, those who will be penalized will be figures such as blockchain engineers, public relations specialists, clinical data managers and quantitative financial analysts.

In short, the famous knowledge workers who were the protagonists of the post-industrial revolution celebrated in Daniel Bell's essay which half a century ago started the debate on the end of the Fordist season and on the consequences of a fundamental process such as computerization will be affected. .

As one of the authors of the study explained, all this will happen because AI is making new ways of dealing with information resources available to us as well as significantly accelerating the pace of management.

The news

What emerges from the Science paper echoes the conclusions reached by similar studies, one above all that conducted by the British government and published last year emerges as having frozen the City by highlighting the notable impact of new technologies in the finance and insurance sectors .

This time, however, the results that emerged are very precise and detailed thanks to the authors' effort to scale the implications of the adoption of AI on the various jobs.

It is therefore clear that the consequences of this innovation are very differentiated and involve not one but several categories of workers which include both low-income and higher-paid individuals.

Significantly, however, there are figures who are shielded from this radical transformation, and among these are motorcycle mechanics and labourers.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/ia-openai-professioni/ on Sun, 23 Jun 2024 05:59:46 +0000.