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Here is the latest news on the Isis attack in Kabul

Here is the latest news on the Isis attack in Kabul

Isis attack at Kabul airport. All the details

Kabul: flight and terror.

Two massive explosions rocked the Kabul airport, killing dozens of civilians, including children, and at least twelve US troops.

The toll in the evening spoke of at least 72 dead and over 140 injured, victims of two kamikaze attacks carried out by Isis.

The head of the US central command, Kenneth McKenzie, said that Washington was ready to retaliate against the perpetrators of the attack, in which he said he did not see any complicity with the Taliban.

It was a "complex" attack in the Abbey Gate area, an area controlled by US and British troops where, at that time, at least 5,000 people were massed waiting to know their fate.

The first explosion was the work of a suicide bomber who blew himself up outside the Baron Hotel, which in recent days has become the base for journalists and UK troops.

Then another kamikaze, or a car bomb according to other sources, closer to the gate, near a sewer canal that has become the terrifying waiting room for thousands of desperate people.

There hundreds of families await a nod from the military. From there the soldiers look out to pick up those who have made it and will be embarked on flights to a new life. There the bombers struck. In the evening, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks, also publishing a photo of one of the suicide bombers, according to the Site.

The death toll of at least 60 Afghan civilians was released in the evening by the Wall Street Journal citing medical sources.

Among the 12 American soldiers who lost their lives there is also a Navy doctor. While talking about children among the victims were the Taliban. For their part, the doctors of the Emergency hospital in Kabul reported ten people who had arrived dead in their facility and over 60 hospitalized.

Right from the start, the US and the British were certain that the attack was the work of Isis-K, the Islamic State of the Afghan province of Khorasan, the group affiliated with Isis, an enemy of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. They, the new masters of Afghanistan, condemned the attack by placing the responsibility on the United States: "It took place in an area where security is in the hands of US forces", said spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, assuring that the Taliban "They are paying close attention to the safety and protection of their people" and that the enemies will be stopped.

The "Taliban are in league with the US to scare away the spies": ISIS claims the attacks in Kabul with this message. "We managed to evade the security imposed by US troops and Taliban militias in Kabul and to get within 5 meters of US troops," reads the text of the Amaq news agency. The organization identifies Abdul Rahman al-Lowgari as the suicide bomber, while the names of the other members of the commando that went into action remain unknown.

Shuffle of responsibility: the Taliban point to the States. The new explosions heard in Kabul were "caused by the destruction of some equipment by US troops," said the spokesman for the Taliban.

(article updated at 22.20)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/ecco-le-ultime-notizie-sullattacco-isis-a-kabul/ on Thu, 26 Aug 2021 20:36:09 +0000.