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How are Iliad’s accounts

How are Iliad's accounts

All the details on the 2020 financial statements of the French group Iliad and its Italian subsidiary

Iliad grows. To Italy and abroad.

The French group, in the year of the pandemic, marked a double-digit increase in turnover and becomes the sixth European group by number of mobile users with over 42 million users.


Let's start with the performances in our country. Xavier Niel's company recorded a turnover of 674 million euros, + 58% compared to the previous year. In the fourth quarter alone, turnover amounted to 192 million euros.

The company "estimates the achievement of break even at Ebitda level in the second half of 2021", reads a note from the group.


Investments also recorded double-digit growth: + 37.8% compared to 2019, for a total of 512 million euros invested in 2020. The company has 6,100 active sites at the end of the year, compared to the 5,000 set. In 12 months, the operator has in fact activated over 4,000 mobile radio sites throughout Italy and for 2021 it aims at a target of 8,500 active sites.


Users are growing: more than 2 million in 2020, with 395,000 acquired in the last quarter. Total users exceed 7.2 million users with a market share exceeding 9%.


And it is precisely the good numbers that lead the company to want to try to debut in the fixed sector. “The results achieved show that we have taken the right path. The always positive response from people today motivates us to bring the same Revolution also to the fixed network market by the summer of this year ”, commented Benedetto Levi .


Despite the pandemic, the Group's turnover also grew by double digits. The company recorded revenues of + 10.1%.

Net profit amounted to 420 million, down by 75.6% compared to 1.7 billion in 2019. EBITDA is improving: it remains negative for 133 million compared to 253 the previous year.


In France, in particular, Iliad recorded an increase in turnover of 1.9% to 5 billion, for 2.7 billion (+ 2.1%) in fixed income, for 2.1 billion (+ 3.6%) in furniture and 194 million in plants (-15%). EBITDA grew by 6% to € 2.202 billion and the group reached its target of operating cash flow in excess of € 700 million, excluding B2B with € 736 million.


In the European market, which has only been integrated into the accounts since November 2020, after the acquisition of the Polish operator Play, the turnover is 200 million euros and the Ebitda amounts to 70 million. And thanks to the new acquisition, the group has become the sixth European group by number of mobile users, with over 42 million users.


“There are years that leave their mark more than others and 2020 is undoubtedly one of them. The Iliad group has resisted Covid well and has rediscovered the path of growth in France. 2020 was also the year of a change in size for Iliad, which from now on establishes itself as a European telecom group with the success of Iliad Italia and the acquisition of Play in Poland ", commented the group's CEO. Thomas Reynaud, quoted in a note, in which he also stresses the 'commitment to employment and the environment' that marked the exercise.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/come-vanno-i-conti-di-iliad-3/ on Tue, 16 Mar 2021 14:26:18 +0000.