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How workers in the EU got impoverished due to covid-19. Then they tell you about inflation ..

What was the trend in salaries of employees in the EU during the covid-19 crisis? Did the trend deviate from the previous trend, and was this deviation for the better or for the worse, even considering that everyone is talking about the inflation problem?

An interesting graph published by Phillipp Heimberg, an Austrian economics professor, shows precisely the trend of wages

Apart from the USA in all countries, Covid has led to a lower wage growth trend than the ante – covid one. So the epidemic has led to employees making less money. In this one exception, the USA, where there was a higher wage trend. Japan has even seen a decline in real wages, while in the EU the decline in employee remuneration has been particularly noticeable.

Conclusions: the US has wage inflation, which has moved above the already active previous development. We have bad inflation, due to an increase in external costs, which will weigh heavily on a wage dynamic already beaten by Covid-19. Our workers first of all earn less for covid, and then they will earn even less to meet the insane energy costs.

But be happy, the EU is thinking of you ..

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The article How workers in the EU got impoverished due to covid-19. Then they tell you about inflation .. it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salari-dinamica-salariale-economia-paghe-adnamento-delle-paghe-andamento-delle-paghe-con-il-covid-paghe-e-covid-inflazione/ on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 20:41:18 +0000.