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How will Meloni move in the European nominations?

How will Meloni move in the European nominations?

Aims, hopes and scenarios on appointments in European institutions and the role of Giorgia Meloni. Damato's point

At this evening's European convivial summit in Brussels, Giorgia Meloni's appetite will be entirely political, fresh from the electoral victory of 9 June, which the other major continental governments failed to achieve. And then from the presidency of a very special G7 also due to the first participation of a Pope and from the Swiss peace conference, which is to be hoped for after more than two years of war. in Ukraine. Where Putin thought he could liquidate the hated Zelensky in a fortnight and instead got into an adventure from which not even he knows how to escape, despite his bravado, his threats, including nuclear ones, and the diversions he fuels in other parts of the world : from Gaza to Africa and the Caribbean, where Russian submarines are back like in the times of Khrushchev and John Kennedy.

Meloni's political appetite is not so much for posts as for roles in the new structures of the European Union after the renewal of the Strasbourg Parliament and the warning she already addressed to her interlocutors from the final press conference of the G7 , in Puglia, to hold account of Italian "skills" and the innovations that emerged from the vote on 9 June. From which the traditional and privileged Franco-German axis in the management of the Union was somewhat compromised. France was left without a government with Macron's recourse to early elections after his defeat by Marine Le Pen's right. Germany has a chancellor who is only apparently in less trouble than the French president.

In the "European madness", as Il Foglio called it, the "surprise" is "the normality of the new Italy" governed precisely by Meloni. Which, although still relegated to the "extreme right" by the German Chancellor, retaliating against the "extreme left" by Antonio Tajani, knows it can play a good game in Brussels. Perhaps even beyond the objective, the goal and so on of "a strong commissioner and the vice presidency" of the Commission indicated today in an interview with Corriere della Sera by Antonio Tajani. Who knows Brussels well having been commissioner, vice president of the executive and president of the European Parliament. And he also inherited from Silvio Berlusconi the participation of his Forza Italia in the majority European People's Party. It is no coincidence that in recent weeks, when the confirmation of the outgoing president of the Commission, the German Ursula von der Leyen, proposed by the EPP, seemed at risk, Tajani also entered the game. At least in the media, while trying to keep out of it with words.

The protagonism acquired by Meloni at an international level accentuates the difficulties of the opponents in Italy, pushing them to parliamentary provocations, such as that of the grillini which resulted in riots in the Chamber and in the streets. Where the secretary of the Democratic Party now moves with more ease than her competitor on the left Giuseppe Conte, forced to admit his "defeat" at the polls in Il Fatto Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-si-muovera-meloni-nelle-nomine-europee/ on Mon, 17 Jun 2024 05:36:09 +0000.