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I’ll explain the Conte’s trademark mistake

I'll explain the Conte's trademark mistake

Conte's strategic mistake? Not having calculated that his move will have to deal with two interlocutors who are not very inclined to play games: the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, and the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Guiglia's notebook

The senators of the M5S have not voted to trust the government they are, or were part of, part of to convert the decree-law called “Aid”. The crisis is around the corner. Political crisis, but not institutional, because the decree will still have the numbers to be approved.

With a river intervention, Giuseppe Conte tried to explain that the tear is the result of the social unease of the citizens. He defended the citizenship income. He recalled the document delivered to Mario Draghi. "His declarations of intent are not enough," said Conte.

But the political mistake of the pentastellate leader, committed to pursue and at the same time tame the maximalist part and now prevalent in the M5S, is not having resurrected techniques and rituals from the First Republic in the very different era of the war in Ukraine. of the returning pandemic and of an economy struck to the heart just as it was restarting with vigor. The mistake is not even that of wanting to bring about the breakdown of the government of "national unity", while the implementation of the decisive National Recovery and Resilience Plan is in full swing.

In reality, the strategic mistake of the Count, more of a struggle than of a government, is the failure to calculate that his move, incomprehensible with respect to the concrete problems of the Italians and the world, will have to deal with two interlocutors who are not very inclined to games: the president of the Council, Mario Draghi, and the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Which in February 2021 had forged the executive of national salvation without being imprisoned by the maneuvers of the parties. Mattarella is unlikely to be influenced now by those who expect (Letta) or demand ( Meloni and Salvini) elections immediately. "The majority is gone," says the League.

The vote, which is the highest expression of democracy, will come, of course. On a natural expiry (spring 2023) or even in advance, if and when, however, Mattarella will have the certainty that the looming national and international emergencies can be governed, rather than left at the mercy of a furious electoral campaign. The supreme good is not to frustrate the sacrifices of citizens and the commitments of Italy.

The tear drop is the waste-to-energy plant in Rome provided for in the aid decree. Yet, there are already 37 similar plants in Italy. Yet, the waste of waste in the capital is under the eyes of the universe. Here, this too gives the measure of the clash taking place.

(Published in The Arena of Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza and Bresciaoggi)


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-spiego-lerrore-marchiano-di-conte/ on Sun, 17 Jul 2022 07:56:32 +0000.