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I’ll tell you about the effects of the Taleban virus

I'll tell you about the effects of the Taleban virus

The Cameo by Riccardo Ruggeri

Tackling the Afghanistan problem in terms of analysis is, at least for me, unrealistic and useless work, so I will be careful. I find it ridiculous to spit judgments on a country that since the time of Alexander the Great has rejected any invader, albeit with powerful armies and in possession of increasingly modern and sophisticated weapons.

After the Wuhan Virus, and its counterpart the Vaccine, will a new pandemic of chatter begin? I start from an assumption: it is impossible to expect "changes" (in the broadest meaning of the term) on the basis of theories not supported by a ferocious determination of execution. The Afghans have execution in their blood, we Europeans lost it seventy years ago. Europe has given up on being a great power, becoming a great discount store and a moralizing NGO. We pretend that the Americans wage wars on our own in our territories of influence and we criticize them because, having lost them all, they also withdraw from it, leaving us in our underwear.

The war was initiated by George Bush by adopting the neocon strategy of "exporting democracy". Barack Obama continued it in the name of the "Nation Building", a colossal lie that Joe Biden himself (who was also his deputy at the time) denied in his speech yesterday, saying that they were there to "defend American interests" and who left because "they no longer had any interest". Impeccable motivation. In fact, after twenty years of investments, the creation of a super-equipped national army of 300,000 soldiers, four Taliban on the cross entered all cities, including Kabul, without the population rising up. A disaster for the American Euro leadership, with Biden compared to Marshal Badoglio (sic!).

Let's face it. Politically correct, Cancel Culture, Woke Culture, this extravagant “radical chic” way of thinking, are leading the West to defeat in every field. We just have to kneel down to the Taliban too. The first declaration of the Taliban cuts all discussion: "Rights guaranteed to women as long as they respect the sharia". Point.

Yet Peter Hopkirk's The Great Game explained why Afghanistan will always repel any invader. We consider it a country-state but it is not, and it does not intend to be: it is a group of tribes in millenary hostilities with each other, headed by the so-called "war and drug lords". The Taliban of the Pashtun ethnic group (36%) are under the illusion of dominating other ethnic groups, such as the Tajiks (34%), the Hazaras (15%), the Uzbeks (9%). Everyone is content to live on pastoralism and, for years, thanks to the vices (opiates) of us Westerners, they have enriched themselves with the cultivation of poppies. Common cutthroats and masters of opiates but very firm on their religious and socio-cultural values.

In reality, we Europeans no longer have values, neither religious nor cultural, so we can neither teach nor export anything. We have become "consumers", in perennial lockdown, always on the couch of citizenship and armed to the teeth with keyboards and apps, with an increasingly miniature brain. Of the poor poor people.

There was once a saying: "When an Empire spends more interest on public debt than on armaments, its citizens will become servants." This is the case in the West, including America. This index was reversed in the United States during the Obama presidency. Let's not talk about Europe. Since then, the West has marched together towards the Third Century AD (decline and end of the Roman Empire).

In 2001 we fiercely criticized the Taliban (Muslims of strict observance) for the destruction of the two Buddhas of Bamyan. In 2020 we exalted our "best youth" who destroyed the statues of our Fathers of the Fatherland, starting with Christopher Columbus. Pure “Cancel Culture”. Taleban radical chic?

Like it or not, at this point in history the reference book for us Westerners can only be Submission by Michel Houellebecq. If you have time, read it and then decide what to do. But I recommend: zero chat, only execution.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-gli-effetti-del-virus-taleban/ on Sun, 22 Aug 2021 05:07:21 +0000.