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I’ll tell you about the latest turmoil of M5s and Pd

I'll tell you about the latest turmoil of M5s and Pd

The Scratches of Damato

Not only Matteo Salvini, who has just talked about it directly to the Prime Minister declaring himself optimistic at the end of the meeting, but also Giuseppe Conte can't wait to take off his mask even outdoors, but the second is thinking more of himself than to the others. The mania that has been attributed to him, rightly and wrongly, on Repubblica by Francesco Bei, referring to his recent visit to Naples to support the candidate for mayor and former minister Gaetano Manfredi among pizzas, meetings, walks and press conferences, is that of finally speak "the language of truth in a few days". That is when the voluminous statute of the 5 Star Movement will be made public and it will be possible to proceed with the very last steps of its establishment as head. Obviously, the former Prime Minister, despite having said things that are quite sensational or significant, such as the criticisms made of most of the initiatives of Mario Draghi's government, too conditioned by the part of the center-right that composes it, must have held back a lot. And he can't wait to tell us the whole truth, in fact, about his intentions, determined to worry not only the Prime Minister but also others.

For example, Conte has already communicated to the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta his ambition to recover all the losses suffered by the Grillini to return to overtake his party and become the force of "absolute majority". But evidently he also wants to tell him something else, perhaps about the government in office and the change that should be imposed on him shortly.

The tireless Goffredo Bettini has just talked about the "competitive" nature of the alliance with the Democratic Party imposed by Conte, chasing Letta even or above all in the center, in an interview with Corriere della Sera without warning of risks or difficulties, evidently sure that the competition will do well to both parties. The man is notoriously optimistic, despite having taken a bad blow in the latest government crisis, seeing the project of a third edition of Conte fade, even impeded by a "conspiracy" perhaps even international, or something like that.

Less serene, let's say, in the face of Conte's desire to move and speak more freely, Beppe Grillo seems to be under the five stars. Whose function of "guarantor", even with the addition of the adjective "irreplaceable" recently pronounced by the former prime minister, does not seem in turn guaranteed by the new statute. To understand more, after having had the text examined by a relative lawyer, the comedian decided, according to rumors or anticipations also shared by the unsuspected and very informed Fatto Quotidiano , to come to Rome, in the usual hotel, to talk about it with Conte in front of the evocative remains of the Imperial Forums, as when he entrusted him with the task of re-founding his creature and guiding it.

One thing seems reasonably certain to me, given the character of the man, and despite what perhaps others think about the family and judicial problems all too well known to be mentioned here: Grillo has no intention of confirming a subtitle of today in the Sole 24 Ore , the Confindustria newspaper, which summarizes and translates "the latest filings" to the text of the statute announcing that "the Guarantor will no longer be able to affect the political line". If Conte has made any illusions in this direction, I fear he will have to give it up.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-gli-ultimi-subbugli-di-m5s-e-pd/ on Fri, 18 Jun 2021 06:08:10 +0000.