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I’ll tell you about the (psychological) war between Renzi and Conte

I'll tell you about the (psychological) war between Renzi and Conte

What hides the so-called "verification" wanted by Renzi to cripple Conte. Italics by Teodoro Dalavecuras

Ludwig Dehio (1888 – 1963) is a German historian who has succeeded in a non-trivial enterprise. He has shown, with his work as a historian, that the history of modern Germany is not the history of a congenital perversion of the German people, or rather of "Germanitude" but, first and foremost, an aspect of the history of the European system of states.

At the same time, the hostility of compatriots who urged, in the 50s of the twentieth century, to abandon the North Star of nationalism (and therefore the search for reunification with the GDR), instead of taking refuge in an ethnic if not racial self-blame, for take the path of freedom and European federation, the only way out of the dialectic, the so perverse one, of hegemony pursued over the centuries by the various powers of continental Europe.

That dialectic which, after the fall of medieval unity, had led the European states to necessarily fight for hegemony and to undergo the restoration of equilibrium on the initiative of powers outside the system of states of continental Europe ( Great Britain and then the United States in the west, the Tsarist empire in the east).

For Dehio, Hitler's III Reich, despite its manifestly demonic aspects, is only the last link in a chain that begins with Charles V, continues with Philip II and Louis XIV and then with Napoleon and William II. He offers a rather convincing historical demonstration of this thesis in his "Balance and Hegemony".

In its small way, even Italian politics could be interpreted according to this scheme and the story of Matteo Renzi, who was only successful in the 2014 European elections to set in motion a process that would have led to a coalition of totally heterogeneous interests and factions ( what Meloni could have in common with Zagrebelski or Carlassare with Salvini cannot be imagined) united only by the aim of extinguishing Renzi's dreaded hegemonic designs in the cradle, more or less as it had been thirty years earlier towards by Bettino Craxi.

The terror that generates the simple suspicion of a potential hegemonic risk is such that even today, when the polls attribute percentages to his Italia Viva as an additive for food products, Renzi continues to sow panic in the leadership of the Democratic Party, whatever initiative he takes. Although dissatisfied with the government of Giuseppe Conte, in order not to give Renzi the victory, the leaders of the Democratic Party remain firm in their subordination to the grillini, and are represented in the political debate by the mysterious (for us laymen) but now legendary Goffredo Bettini, who will surely be a genius of strategy and tactics of power, but who stands out – I repeat, by us laymen – for the absolute inability to communicate with the public, or at least for the absence of any interest in doing so, yet he is practically the only to demonstrate the "political thought" of the Democratic Party with interviews, letters to newspapers and the like.

From this point of view, the story, now a few weeks old, of the so-called "verification" desired by Renzi and circumvolved by Conte can be considered an interesting experiment in political and social psychology in the logic of "balance and hegemony". Perhaps the Tuscan politician will succeed in demonstrating, not in theory but in fact, how the firm determination to counter any semblance of hegemonic designs, even those seen only in the rear-view mirror, can induce a party that has a central position in the geography of political power or what remains of it, to allow oneself to be gently sinking. It will be seen, but it could be a compelling sight.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-la-guerra-psicologica-fra-renzi-e-conte/ on Sun, 10 Jan 2021 16:08:59 +0000.