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I’ll tell you about the TV warfare on Russia and Ukraine

I'll tell you about the TV warfare on Russia and Ukraine

How the center-right – political and journalistic – agitates about the war. The Scratches of Damato

On the day when Ukraine attacked by Russia metaphorically dressed in stars and stripes and earned the "thanks" of the president of the American House Nancy Pelosi, on an official visit to Kiev, for the resistance opposed to the invasion, up to making it possible Zelensky's "victory", Moscow's foreign minister Sergej Lavrov, in an interview with an Italian television confirmed the Kremlin's willingness to continue the war to the end. That is, until the defeat of those "radicals" and "Nazis" as the Ukrainian president and his supporters deserve to be called.

The Italian television chosen by Lavrov – chosen because I imagine that other interviews will have been proposed to him – is that of the old but perhaps former friend of Putin, of whom, after more than a month of war, the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi declared himself " disappointed". Disappointment reciprocated, I would say, having told the conductor of the White Zone , the transmission of Rete 4 entrusted to Giuseppe Brindisi, that Italy even more generally has "surprised" the Kremlin ". “But we're used to it by now,” added the successor of the Soviets Molotov and Gromyko.

One of the guests of poor Brindisi's television studio, the director of the Truth Maurizio Belpietro, who now almost habitually makes titles superimposable to those of Marco Travaglio's Fatto Quotidiano , tried to mitigate the disappointment of the Russian Foreign Minister by attacking him almost more than him. Americans, who would be waging war on Putin on the Ukrainians' skin. Which from the words and representations of Belpietro seem a bit stuffed with American weapons, and also Italian ones, like drugs. After all, Putin in the opening of the war hostilities had called a drug addict, as well as a Nazi, to Zelensky and fellow countrymen.

It must be said that in other Berlusconi's television broadcasts, more or less complementary Putinians dominate, let's call them that, firmly to the head of the Kremlin who was so fond of the publisher and founder of the Italian center-right. Also on Rete 4, and always yesterday, before the broadcast of Brindisi began, in the traditional space of the calm Barbara Palombelli occupied on Saturdays and Sundays by the young and daring Veronica Gentili, the press journalist Jacopo Iacoboni found himself alone to support Zelensky and his Western rescuers, not mistaking them for his masters.

I mentioned the center-right founded by Berlusconi, and now no longer really led by him, electorally overtaken first by Matteo Salvini's leaguers and then by Giorgia Meloni's brothers of Italy. That just yesterday concluded its crowded programmatic conference, similar to the party congresses of the past, challenging its still allies in many regions and municipalities, but also gradually more and more in trouble, to finally choose which side to take : right or left. And, more specifically, about the ongoing war in the heart of Europe, with Putin or with Zelenski and the Americans. Of which one can well refuse to be "the pack animals", as the now candidate of the right at Palazzo Chigi said, without becoming the supporters of Putin, as Salvini frankly appeared a little, always yesterday, connected to Massimo Giletti, earning the smiles of Michele Santoro.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/centrodestra-ucraina/ on Mon, 02 May 2022 05:27:03 +0000.