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Is the Di Maio model a winner between Grillo and Conte?

Is the Di Maio model a winner between Grillo and Conte?

Between the two litigants (Conte and Grillo) do you enjoy the third (Di Maio)? The Scratches of Damato

Unmasked in the sense of free from their health and political masks in this otherwise white Italy in the evaluation of epidemiologists, Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte must be told and metaphorically given to them in all colors, and for all reasons, in a phone call that it has been defined as "fiery" and "stormy" by those of the Fatto Quotidiano . Who honestly – it must be recognized them – have specified that they have known it from Contian sources, recording as a duty, let's say ex officio, also rumors evidently spread by Grilline sources of successive "signs of peace".

Under the now falling stars of the homonymous Movement, even the communicators are divided. Or they play the games ordered by their referrals. It is no coincidence that it is also on the choice of communicators that the founder and the re-founder clashed, one being wary of the other's choices and acquaintances. Grillo, for example, trusts the singer-songwriter Nina Monti, in line with him also with what she sings, as “Indignati Ancora”. Conte, on the other hand, now prefers his Rocco Casalino , who also dominates him in physical size. And to whom is attributed, rightly or wrongly, the belief that by now Conte alone is worth much more than Grillo and can tear him up, or almost, in elections with personal lists.

Of what the founder and re-founder said, and even shouted, someone would have even heard on the street, under the Roman home of the former Prime Minister, the accusation of Conte a Grillo of having now "destroyed the project", at least his. Which he himself once defined as "humanism", naturally "sustainable", as development and everything that the former head of the government warns, proposes, contemplates.

As I write this, there are a few hours to go until the press conference announced by Conte for the bankruptcy closure or the continuation of the re-founding mission of the Movement entrusted to him in February by Grillo in front of the remains of the Imperial Forums in Rome. But it is not risky to foresee that even in the hypothesis of a continuation, recommended outside the 5 Stars to the two contenders as well by Silvio Berlusconi's poller and trusted advisor, Alessandra Ghisleri, on the columns of the Fatto Quotidiano , it will always be a bumpy path . In short, we will not have a hug in the manner of Roberto Mancini and Gianluca Vialli, who moved the Italians after the victory over the Austrians and the promotion of the Azzurri to the quarter-finals of the European football championships.

From the crisis that has intervened or worsened in relations between Grillo and Conte, or vice versa for those who prefer alphabetical order, the only one who seems to have really gained in the Movement is the former head and now Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, indicated for example for his work at the Farnesina da Grillo as in a fiction, desire, forecast of reinvestiture. Perhaps Stefano Feltri is not wrong, even in the negative evaluation that follows, to write in Carlo De Benedetti's Domani that "if the Five Stars want to capitalize on what remains of their political experience, the Di Maio model is the only one left : an unscrupulous party, without defined identities, capable of passing from the request for impeachment for the head of state to defender of the institutions, from a rival of the lobbies to their favorite instrument, simultaneously anti-evasion and inclined to small amnesties, flogger of malpractice and always active in placing friends, family, bag holders ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-fra-grillo-e-conte-e-vincente-il-modello-di-maio/ on Mon, 28 Jun 2021 05:55:27 +0000.