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Israel, USA, Italy, France: who runs (and who doesn’t) on vaccines

Israel, USA, Italy, France: who runs (and who doesn't) on vaccines

How is the anti Covid vaccination campaign going country by country. Here are numbers and comparisons

Israel is still at the top of the vaccination rankings in the world. They are chasing America and the United Kingdom, which in any case exceeded 50% of the population to which they administered the first dose.

Italy, on the other hand, has 35.85% of citizens who received the first dose of the vaccine. It does better than France and Germany, but worse than Spain which placed fifth, according to the data of Our World in Data . All the details.


Let's start with the boot. In Italy, according to the data as of May 25, 35.85% of the population received the first dose, with a strong acceleration of the campaign starting in recent weeks. In fact, on April 7, 2021, only 12.8% of the population received the first dose.

On the other hand, 17.6% of the population are fully vaccinated (5.8% in the first week of April).


The numbers of Italy are better than those of neighboring France, where 14.7% of the population also received the second dose and 34.56% only the first dose. And it also does better than Germany, where 14.2% of citizens are fully immunized.

Spain administered the first dose at 36.6%, while the second dose at 17.6%. Hungary stands out, with 52.17% of citizens vaccinated with one dose and 33.1% who also received the second.


But no one, although the acceleration of the various vaccination campaigns in recent weeks has been important, affects the share of Israel, which vaccinated 62.97% of the population with the first dose and 59.2% with the second.

The US is also doing well, having immunized 39.2% of the population, and given the first to 49.15%. The UK administered the first dose to 56.26% of citizens and the second to 34.2%. Chile fully vaccinated 40.6%, Mongolia 27.1%.

second dose

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/israele-usa-italia-francia-chi-corre-e-chi-no-sui-vaccini/ on Thu, 27 May 2021 04:04:28 +0000.