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Joys and sorrows for Meloni between Rome and Brussels

Joys and sorrows for Meloni between Rome and Brussels

The latest moves by Meloni according to the newspapers. The Scratches of Damato

Giorgia Meloni must have arrived in Brussels yesterday – or landed as in the title of the poster superimposed on the photo with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen – quite apprehensive if she closed the trip pleased to have been able to prove that she was an Earthman, not the Martian who feared she had appeared from a distance. Underneath, despite an electoral campaign that exploded in Milan with that cry against the "free ride" of a European Union essentially on the leash of German interests, the Italian premier must have arrived in Brussels fearing that the free ride was ending or was over for her , as in the title dedicated to it today by the sheet .

Instead, the Italian premier was not only recognized and treated as a terrestrial in meetings therefore not exchangeable for those of the third type of the famous film by Steven Spielberg of 1977, the year of birth of Giorgia Meloni. She managed to obtain or snatch, as you prefer, even a "truce" that the Republic has defined as "armed", in the context of the "frost" attributed to the interlocutors although reassured by the fact that the guest did not come from Mars, equipped with who knows what mysterious weapons.

A truce without adjectives was the one announced by Avvenire , the newspaper of the Italian bishops a little more optimistic or less prejudiced, albeit anxious about the new dispute between Rome and Berlin on the land of migrants so dear to the Pope. all welcomed in Italian ports, while recognizing every now and then that we could not keep them all, guilty only of living along the southern borders of Europe.

It will be seen whether and what effects the mission of approach, knowledge and the like carried out by Meloni in the capital of the Union, which is still Brussels and not Berlin, even if the president of the Commission is German, will produce in this area as well. But a German who speaks Italian after all the holidays she spends with us, unlike her compatriot Angela Merkel. Whose holidays in Italy have never enticed her to learn our language.

Returning from the trip to Brussels, the Prime Minister found good news but also bad news for her. Good, for example, like those of Alessandra Ghisleri, whose latest survey – personally reported in the press today – gives Meloni a personal confidence index of 40.6 percent: almost a point more than ten days ago, despite therefore, or precisely because of the controversy that has erupted over the measures adopted by the Council of Ministers on unauthorized gatherings , on the early reintegration of no vax doctors in hospitals and on the "impediment" life imprisonment of Mafia prisoners. The electoral attraction of Meloni's party has also risen, now on the march with its 28.7 percent towards and perhaps even beyond 30.

The bad news for the Prime Minister is instead those coming from Forza Italia, where the reserves, perplexities and fears deriving from the new phase of the center-right proudly claimed by the allies are increasing, overturning its name. Today's editorial by the editor of the Giornale della Famiglia of Silvio Berlusconi is dedicated to the “bet of the right-center” with a certain sarcasm. Which attributes precisely to Meloni's desire or interest to mark this new identity of the government alliance dating back to 1994, the errors of the latest measures adopted by the Council of Ministers, and destined for a difficult parliamentary path.

"The real challenge of Giorgia Meloni – wrote Minzolini – is to govern this country no longer with a moderate approach, but with a strong right-wing identity." You must warn me – it is the prayer that he addresses daily to the closest people – if I change ”. This is the news…. Time will show whether it was a winning bet or a gamble ”. The wait does not seem optimistic.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/meloni-bruxelles-poco-marziana/ on Fri, 04 Nov 2022 06:32:50 +0000.