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Leonardo, Eni and more. Here is the Italian plan on supercomputers

Leonardo, Eni and more. Here is the Italian plan on supercomputers

Supercomputer. "We intend to create a federation, at a national level, between super computing machines, so that they can be used together in case of emergencies," said Carlo Cavazzoni of the Leonardo group.

A federation of electronic brains or, to use the term by which they are lately indicated, supercomputers. This is the project Leonardo is working on, told by Carlo Cavazzoni , head of the Leonardo Lab dedicated to HPC (High Performance Computing): "We intend – he said – to create a federation, at national level, among super computing machines, so that they can be used together in case of emergencies ».


If a supercomputer alone is incredibly powerful, the supercomputer federation could unleash unimaginable computing power. In practice, it is as if every single electronic brain becomes a synapse of an even more intelligent brain. For this reason, they will be connected to each other to manage particularly serious events "such as pandemics – explained Cavazzoni di Leonardo, we read in Il Sole 24 Ore -, with a view to seeking a potential cure, or other, such as attacks hackers to strategic digital infrastructures ».

«In this way – added the head of High performance computing -, there will be the possibility of having all the existing computing power on the national territory. Thanks to software technologies, linked to cloud computing, in principle it will be possible to federate the machines, for example, of Cineca, Eni and Leonardo and let them run applications that will respond to systemic crises ".


The supercomputer federation will include Marconi in Bologna, Cineca , the future Leonardo, co-financed by the Italian government and the EU, the result of the Europ Hpc project, Eni's Hpc4 and Hpc5, in Pavia and Franklin in Genoa. But, again in Genoa, there is above all the Davinci-1. With a battery of over 100 supercomputing units, for a total power exceeding 5PFlops – 5 million billion floating point operations per second -, thanks to a high-performance network and a storage system made by DDN, equipped with the most recent hardware and software technologies, for a storage capacity of the order of 20Pbytes (20 million Gigabytes), the new supercomputer by Leonardo , installed in the Fiumara Tower in Genoa, although still to be switched on, has already won an honorable mention among the 100 supercomputers on the planet.

It will be the flagship of that Italy 4.0 which is now more urgent than ever to build to recover from the pandemic. To be precise, davinci-1 was included among the top 100 supercomputers in the world, according to the TOP 500 ranking and on the podium of the A&D (Aerospace & Defense) sector. With all this monstrous computing power, what can be done with a federation of supercomputers right now is even hard to imagine.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/leonardo-eni-e-non-solo-ecco-il-piano-italiano-sui-supercomputer/ on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 16:41:25 +0000.