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Leonardo, here is the news on Cyber ​​security and Space

Leonardo, here is the news on Cyber ​​security and Space

The manager Andrea Campora ready to succeed Tommaso Profeta at the helm of Leonardo's Cyber ​​security division. A new Space division is also on the way with the group's business plan

Leonardo's reorganization continues under the guidance of CEO Roberto Cingolani.

After the reorganization of the aerospace and defense group based on the service order signed last June by Cingolani approved in June, there are other news on the way for the former Finmeccanica company.

In fact, the new organizational chart envisages that the management team will count on a total of eight reports – nine if the co-manager Lorenzo Mariani is added – to the managing director and general manager and a co-management general (entrusted to Lorenzo Mariani) who will coordinate the divisions and units of business. We are therefore down compared to the thirteen direct reports of the previous management by Alessandro Profumo.

And now the next moves concern cyber security and space. On the other hand, on the occasion of the publication of Leonardo's results for the first half of 2023 , Cingolani himself had declared that "We are in the preparation phase of the new industrial plan which will see the light at the beginning of next year". "The pillars are the consolidation of the core business – Leonardo's number one continued – with a particular focus on defense products and the expansion to new initiatives, with the strengthening of the fastest growing sectors, such as space and cybersecurity".

All the details.


According to sources of the newspaper Il Secolo XIX , "Andrea Campora is about to return as head of the division based in Genoa, 17 years of career in Finmeccanica-Leonardo, Genoese, the cyber expert who a few years ago had landed at Dematic and who is now Cingolani intends to bring back to the Sestri Ponente headquarters to give the division new commercial and technological impetus. Tommaso Profeta, who managed the start-up of the cyber division – "successfully", say sources close to the dossier – will remain in the group to be promoted to new positions".


On the space front, Secolo XIX continues, the plan envisages the creation of a dedicated division, the sixth to join the existing five (helicopters, aircraft, aerostructures, electronics and cyber security).

The task of launching the new space division, "by 2024", falls to Franco Ongaro, who has been in charge of coordinating the group's space activities since last June. Already at the time, this maneuver sounded like a premise for the launch of a new division which would join the five existing ones in Piazza Monte Grappa.

As Paolo Chersei recalled on Startmag , "Ongaro held various positions in ESA, the last of which, for eleven years, head of the Technology, Engineering and Quality (D/TEC) directorate and Head of the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) of Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Therefore a valuable technician who has had great global visibility in the sector and a high level of competence in the functioning of the European space policy”.


After that, "as far as the organizational structure is concerned, the electronics division was entrusted to Marco De Fazio and four business areas were set up which have the task of managing the operational execution of the business, product development and the result economic” illustrates the Ligurian newspaper. Luca Picollo is responsible for the airborne business, Renzo Tosini is responsible for the land&sea business while Luca Perazzo is head of the defense business and the UK business has been entrusted to Mark Hamilton.


Finally, according to Secolo XIX , Cingolani's plan could provide for a rationalization of the electronics product portfolio, the largest of Leonardo's divisions, with activities distributed both in Genoa and in La Spezia.

And here the old dossier of the sale of Oto Melara and Wass, the two land and naval armaments subsidiaries put up for sale by Leonardo in 2021, returns to the fore. For the Ligurian newspaper, in Piazza Monte Grappa, "the opportunity to divide, making them autonomous, the naval defense systems from the land defense systems": in this case, sources explain, the question is still "subject to analysis and involves Oto Melara, Wass and Orizzonte Sistemi Navali".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/leonardo-ecco-le-novita-su-cyber-security-e-spazio/ on Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:20:57 +0000.