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Mattarella’s subdued praise for his words about Navalny

Mattarella's subdued praise for his words about Navalny

Italian honor in the Navalny case was saved by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Damato's Scratches

Fortunately, the anomalous couple of Alexei Navalny, the young Russian oppositionist who metaphorically died in the hands of Putin, who had sent him to serve his 19-year prison sentence in Siberia, lasted just one day on the front pages of Italian newspapers, and that now certified Italian rude Vincenzo De Luca. Who, abusing democracy, called Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni a "bitch" by presenting himself as the leader of the street opposition. And of theatre, having continued on stage his substantial disguise as Masaniello against a right-wing government that intends to implement the differentiated regional autonomies put into the Constitution by a left-wing majority.

Today, apart from a few pro-government newspapers which demand the rude man's apologies and protest because they were neither presented spontaneously nor suggested to him by the secretary of his party, who moreover shares the opposition to the government's bill, the front pages of the Italian newspapers they are dominated by the last – or rather the penultimate, if others can be foreseen – victim of Putin's despotism. Even Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian bishops, has resisted, in its policy of practically unlimited support for illegal immigration, the temptation to wave the ruling of the Court of Cassation against those who allow some shipwrecked people to return to the unsafe Libyan coasts of origin. And he had to open "in the name of Navalny", placing under the title a photo emblematic of the popularity of a man whose body Putin was unable to make the detainees show.

In Italy, in our Italy of a rude regional president who comes to protest in Rome to call the Prime Minister a "bitch", we managed to organize a bipartisan torchlight procession of solidarity for the penultimate – I repeat – Putin's victim on Monday . And within a few hours his own party warned to deny and silence a deputy secretary – the lawyer Andrea Crippa – who had wanted to doubt the responsibilities of the despot of Moscow.

The merit of this awakening in extremis, of this recovery of the sense of dignity of information, and not only of politics, must be given to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. Who, knowing – I fear – his chickens, had wanted to be the most timely and harsh when the news from Russia arrived in denouncing the "worst and most unjust conclusion of a human and political affair which has shaken the consciences of world public opinion". “For his ideas and his desire for freedom – Mattarella had recalled – he was sentenced to long detention in very harsh conditions, an unfair and unacceptable price, which brings back memories of the darkest times in history. Times we hoped we would never have to relive again. His courage will remain an inspiration to everyone. I express the condolences and closeness of the Italian Republic to the family." Thank you, President.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/navalny-mattarella/ on Sun, 18 Feb 2024 08:03:39 +0000.