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Meloni gets married to the de facto couple Conte-Bettini

Meloni gets married to the de facto couple Conte-Bettini

Because the Conte-Bettini iron couple secures Prime Minister Meloni. Damato 's Scratches

Once again, as has been the case since 2019, Goffredo Bettini calls from the Democratic Party and Giuseppe Conte responds from the 5 Star Movement.

The first wrote in yesterday's Fatto Quotidiano about the penultimate Matteo Renzi who offered himself to the so-called broad field of the alternative to the Meloni government and the "picture" that emerged with the availability of the PD secretary Elly Schlein: "From inopportune yes yes is turning into a lethal political mistake. It is right to drop the vetoes, it is extravagant to give the keys to the enlargement of the centre-left to Renzi . The former prime minister has completed a cycle. It has left debris that should not be dumped on the future."

Conte collected and relaunched by declaring to Ansa that "resurrecting Renzi is harakiri", that is, suicide, for the wide field. Moreover, the five-star president doesn't even like the name, that is, the adjective, wanting it simply to be "right". And with Renzi, after everything he did to him first by saving him at Palazzo Chigi and then overthrowing him to have him replaced by Mario Draghi, it doesn't seem fair to him at all. And the Corriere della Sera made it the front page "sidekick", as they say in technical jargon.

Stefano Patuanelli, five-star group leader in the Senate, added in an interview with Domani titled in quotation marks: “The M5s never with Renzi. If the Democratic Party insists, the center-left will collapse."

Elly Schlein, connected from Procida with the program broadcast on 7, although fired by the same author of Domani 's interview with Patuanelli, poured out an infinite number of words and gestures to still leave the doors open to Renzi. Still grateful, evidently, for that ball pass she obtained in a charity match which allowed her to score a goal on the L'Aquila pitch, which was mockingly useless because it was out of play.

In the situation in which her opponents find themselves, who predict or announce the crisis every other day, Giorgia Meloni could enjoy and be grateful. Perhaps he has already done so. To thank not yet because even after the majority summit aimed at announcing a "new alliance pact" and recommending, indeed calling for "unity", the prime minister continues to have problems with her two vice presidents of the Council, and the parties that are at their backs.

The couple that works seems to be only that of Bettini and Conte, based on the belief expressed by Bettini himself to his friend at a birthday party: "Friendship and alchemy count in politics, like between me and Giuseppe", that is, the The former prime minister is convinced that he is still "the highest point of reference for progressives in Italy", to whom Bettini promoted him in the aforementioned 2019.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/conte-bettini-meloni/ on Sun, 01 Sep 2024 06:01:32 +0000.