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Metalworkers contract, here are the reasons for the break between trade unions and Federmeccanica

Metalworkers contract, here are the reasons for the break between trade unions and Federmeccanica

What happened on the metalworkers' contract between trade unions and industrialists. The chronicle of Start and the intervention of Roberto Benaglia, general secretary of Fim Cisl

Yesterday the trade associations, Federmeccanica and Assistal on the one hand, and Fiom-Cgil, Fim-Cisl and Uilm-Uil on the other, just had time to sit down at the table that the negotiation broke. Reason: the wage increase. For businesses, at most, an adjustment can be envisaged in line with the IPCA, the index that measures the harmonized inflation rate for the EU countries. But this would yield just 40 euros gross over the next three years, according to the assessments of the unions. They believe that the negotiations cannot be continued on this basis. Fiom, Fim and Uilm have already decided to block overtime and flexibility. The general manager of Federmeccanica, Stefano Franchi, warns: «We are ready, despite the differences that are wide, to resume dialogue with the trade unions, but not with an ongoing state of agitation». The salary negotiation seems frozen even before leaving. The Fiom-Fim and Uilm platform foresees average increases of 145 euros gross, three and a half times what Federmeccanica offers. ( Start Magazine editorial staff )


The interruption of negotiations for the renewal of the National Collective Labor Agreement by Federmeccanica demonstrates all the weakness and uncertainty of the employer side with respect to the renewal itself.

It is serious that Federmeccanica yesterday closed the hypothesis of a real negotiation on the subject of wage increases but, above all, it pretexts the ongoing negotiations.

After 13 meetings held in 11 months, as a union we simply asked to have concrete and written proposals and to respond to a need to increase real wages placed on the platform.

Not only has Federmeccanica confirmed strong distances and unavailability, but with its choices it has emptied a negotiation that had and needs to be filled with contents and innovations.

We are disappointed both for the lack of concreteness held in the meetings on the regulatory issues addressed up to now, and for the closures on the salary level.

The post-Covid economic situation is not, and cannot be, an excuse for not renewing a Metalworkers' Contract which aims to enhance and better promote work for the next few years of economic and employment recovery.

The assemblies, the assets with the delegates and the blocking of flexible hours and overtime are the answer with which Fim, Fiom and Uilm jointly want to activate the attention and support of the workers for this important contract renewal.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/contratto-metalmeccanici-ecco-i-perche-della-rottura-fra-sindacati-e-federmeccanica/ on Thu, 08 Oct 2020 04:50:27 +0000.