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Metalworkers contract, short circuit between Confindustria and Luiss (of Confindustria)

Metalworkers contract, short circuit between Confindustria and Luiss (of Confindustria)

How and why between Confindustria and Confindustria Luiss there are no convergences on the metalworkers' strike for the renewal of the contract

Blue overalls in the square. The metalworkers, yesterday, took to the streets for the renewal of the national contract expired at the end of 2019, after the negotiations with Federmeccanica ended at the beginning of October.


The metalworkers went on strike for 4 hours on Thursday 5 November in support of the dispute for the renewal of the national contract. The strike is "fully successful", said the head of Uilm, Rocco Palombella.

The CISL secretary general, Annamaria Furlan, is also satisfied with the "high adhesion".


High adhesion that will surely have bothered Confindustria (we are not talking about the sieges under the offices). President Carlo Bonomi did not want the blue overalls to cross their arms, believing it was not the right time.

“I believe it's time to sit down at a table and talk to each other, it's not the time to go on strike. The contracts must be renewed, the money in the pockets of the employees must be put, but in a sustainable and intelligent way ”, said Bonomi at the end of the assembly in Assolombarda.

"I think it is really deleterious for the country right now to have strikes, we need everything except strikes, the fracture does not help anyone, I invite the categories and trade unions to sit down and find a solution," he added.


To believe, however, that the strike was right is Roberto Pessi, labor lawyer and pro-rector of Didactics of Luiss , a university owned by Confindustria. "The moment is indeed difficult, but the metalworkers' strike is an understandable action in the field of industrial relations, because it is the renewal of a national collective labor agreement, that of metalworkers, which is a key step to understand how much it can be recovered in terms of the purchasing power of wages, ” Pessi told Adnkronos.


"The blue overalls contract has become the ideological reference of 2 different positions and is the action of the three confederations to shake the negotiating table", adds Pessi, specifying that "on the one hand, in fact, there is the clear position of Confindustria and of its president Bonomi, who comes from Assolombarda, closely linked to Federmeccanica, who says: at zero inflation and with the economy that is what it is, an increase of 40 euros per month can be given. This is not a recovery of purchasing power, but only a maintenance of what is already there. On the other hand there is the trade union front that tries to break down this wall, also relying on the fact that other categories such as nutritionists and private health have renewed the contract, even if in reality these are sectors that are doing well at the moment therefore even the industrialists have found it convenient to find an agreement because they need manpower ”.


In Confindustria circles, one wonders: but does Luiss row against Bonomi? In truth, even among many Luiss professors it is rumored: is the position of the university on the subject that of the Vice-Rector Pessi? The questions were increasingly fueled by what Pessi himself wrote in the magazine of the same university Luiss Open in which the Bonomian line on contracts is criticized: "The story of the renewal of the National Food Industry Contract offers a significant example of how a position" strong "and shared by all production sectors such as that of Confindustria can be circumvented (waived?) by an incisive demand for production to consumption (and therefore by the typical cost-benefit ratio that inspires the work of those who do" business ") ”, Wrote Pessi .


What happened in the food sector? At the end of October, Repubblica underlined: "All the associations in the sector broke away from the Bonomi line: a resounding slap in the face to the new president of Confindustria (he has been in office since May and immediately tried to change the pace of the confederation, stiffening relations with government and trade unions) which could also have repercussions on other sectors struggling with contract renewals ( 10 million workers waiting in the private sector alone), the metalworker above all who just in recent days saw the interruption of negotiations between Fim , Fiom and Uilm and Federmeccanica ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/contratto-metalmeccanici-cortocircuito-fra-confindustria-e-luiss-di-confindustria-sullo-sciopero/ on Fri, 06 Nov 2020 14:10:37 +0000.